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Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Ethics in Criminal Justice and Criminal Procedure.

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Ethics in Criminal Justice and Criminal Procedure. As the report declares implementation of the ethical criminal procedures helps in identifying the degree of punishment for different criminal acts. Moreover, it distinguishes formerly legal acts as immoral and unethical, for instance, historically minorities and women were not allowed to vote or to help slaves as per the law. However, in the last few decades it was recognized as a highly immoral act therefore women and minorities are now given equal rights when it comes to vote or protest against oppressive governments. On the other hand torturing prisoners so as to take personal revenge may be legal in some countries but it is an unethical act.

This discussion stresses that practicing ethics in our routine life is somewhat different to the implementation of ethics in law. For instance, if in real life we see someone depriving people of their freedom or stopping them to carry out their daily activities then on general basis it would be considered as unethical. But in law police is usually ordered to treat prisoners in the same way and then it is also justified with theories of criminology. Furthermore, in real life people are called as immoral if they try to keep an eye on others’ activities while on the other side law enforcement agencies spend huge monetary resources and time in spying and undercover intelligence. This substantiates that ethical approach greatly varies when it comes to real life and criminal justice.

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