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Hi, some one can help me with a case study about business law of contract? The case study is shown as follws:Sam took his suit to Quick Klean Drycleaners Pty Ltd. This was the first time he had been t

Hi, some one can help me with a case study about business law of contract? The case study is shown as follws:

Sam took his suit to Quick Klean Drycleaners Pty Ltd. This was the first time he had been to this drycleaner. After giving his suit to the assistant behind the counter and paying for the drycleaning, he was given a receipt with a number on it. The assistant told Sam that he needed to bring the receipt with him when he came to collect his suit. She also told him that the drycleaner 'would take all care but accept no responsibility during cleaning'. She pointed out that a similar clause appeared on the back of the ticket. it read: 'Quick Klean Drycleaners Pty Ltd will take all care but accept no responsibility for effective removal of all stains during cleaning'.

  When Sam came back to cleect his suit he found a tear in the right sleeve. When he brought this to the attention of the shop assistant, she reminded him that she had previously advised him that all care would be taken, butthat Quick Klean didn't accept responsibility for items left for drycleaning. Advise Sam.

Could some one can help me deal with this case study? 

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**** ***** ANALYSISStudent NameInstitutional AffiliationDateIntroduction ********* ** ***** Miller ***** ***** (2009) ****** make * ****** ** contractual agreement ***** *********** agreement ******* *** ******** ******* to fulfill their ********** as ******** ** the ******** ****** any court ***** * ****** on *** ****** ** contract ********** ** **** ********* ******* a ******** existed ** the ***** ***** ** ***** **** ******** ** * contract must ** ********** ** ****** *** existence ** * ***** ******* ******** *** ******* ** ** offer always ********* *** *********** ********* According to ***** ****** & Cross ****** ** ***** is ******** as a ******* given **** * *********** return The return *** ** *** *********** ** ** action or **** forbearance ***** in exchange *** the offer An ***** ** ************* significant ** ** ******** *** *********** ** a ***** or * ***** ** ******* ** ***** **** * *********** ********* ** offeror must communicate *** offer to *** offeree stating *** the ********** *** *** ************ terms ** *** **** study ***** ***** *********** *** *** ****** ** *** clean ******* *** members ** the ****** *** a fee Consequently *** ********* ** fee *********** the offer *** second ***** of a ******** formation ** acceptance ** *** ***** the *********** ******* *** offeree ******* *** ***** *** ********** of *** ***** ** ***** ** *** offeror ********* to Miller & ***** ****** ********** ** * ********** ******* ** ********* *** a ****** ***** ********* or **** *********** ****** ***** ***** mechanisms *** ********** **** ******* *** terms of *** offer ********* ** *** alteration ***** *** ********* ** *** offer *** ******* *** ******* *** ****** ** ***** and ** **** ** ** ***** * ************ ** this **** *** ******* must accept the ******* ***** for ********** ** ** ****** ** ***** ** the **** ***** *** ******* **** *** offer to *** *** ****** ******* ******* *** conditions **** *********** ** The ********* *** *********** *** ******* ******* *** ** *** ********* ** *** ********** ***** ****** *** *** needed ** **** regard although *** **** *** ****** **** *** the ******* he ********** *** ***** *** conditions *** ***** ***** of contractual ********* is * ************* Consideration ****** ** *** ****** ******** to the ******* ******* ***** ***** ***** Indeed ************* *** ** ***** ***** ***** ** *** ********* **** *** ******** ******* *** ** his ** her acceptance ** the ***** ******** Consideration differentiates a ***** *********** ********* **** * **** *** legal benefit **** ** the ***** ******** to *** ***** given ** *** ******* In *** case study *** *** *** **** ********** *** value ** *** ******* or ***** **** ** the offeror The **** ********* ******* ** * *********** ********* is mutual agreement or mutuality ******* ***** ***** 2012) Both *** ******* and *** ******* ***** ** subscribe ** *** requirement ** the ********* as dictated ** *** ********* ** *** **** ***** *** act of *** ****** the **** *** ***** Klean *********** *** *** ***** ***** ** dry ***** *** **** signifies ******************* ***** ** *** ***** ******** ** * binding contract ********** Sam ****** ******** about *** tear ** the **** sleeve given **** *** ******* ******** the ****** ***** ** **** fee valued *** *** ******* ************ it *** the first **** *** **** ** seek the ******** in the *** ******* ******* meaning ** ***** **** the ***** It was * *********** **** ** *** ***** ***** initially In **** regard ***** ***** *********** *** *** ****** ** **** accountable *** *** damage ****** ** *** **** ***** **** ** ***** explained *** ***** ** requiredReferencesCross * * Miller R L * ***** ***** * * (2009)The ***** *********** of ********* Text and ***** * ethical ********** global and ********** ****** ***** OH: South-Western Cengage LearningMiller * L * ***** ***** * A ****************** ** ******** *** ***** ***** South- *******

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