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History final paper

First, you will choose a person, social movement, event, idea, technology, or art form from the 20th century that significantly impacted the culture of China.

You must be able to clearly articulate the significance of whatever it is you choose (How does your project inform our understanding of the country?) and place it in context by also demonstrating an understanding of the time period (How did it alter how things had been?).

You will need to use a minimum of 6 sources (must have index citation and refrence page).

The question you will be asked to answer in your thesis statement, and support throughout your presentation, is the following:  

How did [this person, social movement, event, idea, technology, or art form] significantly change the country’s culture (and, if applicable, that of the world)?

The paper at least 3 pages, no plagiarizing.

please write in college level, no PHD work!

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