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Holland Construction Co. has nn outstanding l8O-day bank loan of $400,000 at an annual interest rate of9.5 percent.

12. Holland Construction Co. has nn outstanding l8O-day bank loan of$400,000 at an annual interest rate of9.5 percent. The company is requiredto maintain a 15 percent compensating balance in its checking account.What is the effective interest rate on the loan? Assume the companywould NOT normally maintain this average amount.a.c.d.11.18 percent19.00 percent22.35 percent8.08 percent7. Genetech has $2,000,000 in assets, has decided to finance 30 percent withlong-term financing (13 percent rate) and 70 percent with short-termfinancing (9 percent) rate. What will be their annual interest costs?__0. $78,000__b. $126,000c. $440,000__d. $204,00014. What is the effective rate on a $10,000 installment loom with bi-monthlypayments, $1,600 in interest, for 2 years?a. 16 percentb. 7.4 percentc. 29.5 percentd. 14.8 percent20. The belief in the efficient market hypothesis would lead to the following:a.~b.c.d.attempting to time the market.increase in index funds.using technical analysis and trends in the market.investing based on the emotional climate.

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