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********************** **** PaperStudent nameInstitution ************************* **** PaperIntroduction *********** ***** *** Kelling ****** ******* ** ***** ****** eras The ***** ******** historical periods ** *** American police are *** ************ ***** era political era *** the community ******** eraIn *** ********* era ** ** *** ****** *** ** *** the ******* ** the United ****** ******** ** *** ***** **** *** ************* of the ***** ****** agencies ** *** ** ******* ***** The ********* leaders and ****** performed **** ** **** ****** divisions **** privately **** ** *** ****** ****** *** **** **** *** *** using ***** ***** ** ****** ***** ** the **** *** ** ******* nationals **** ******* developing *** *** ***** demonstrated ******** ****** ***** **** ******** **** for *** entire **** ****** stations **** ********** to assist *** society in *********** order *** helping Westward *********** The *** ******* ** the ********** ********** whereby ***** *** services **** established ***** new **** **** ****** along ********* started In *** ******* ******* *** ********* ** ***** ********* were ******* ** the police The States *** *********** ************ ** the **** ****** had *** ***************** *** the *********** ** ******* ***** led ** a ****** concerning *** ********* *** ** ******** ** the ****** ****** ******** were ***** ********* ********** ************ ***** *** saw *** opposition ** police services **** social service ***** ******* **** on ***** ******* *** ******** ****** **************** unprejudiced **** **** the ********* **** ** ***** ******* *** ********** the *********** ** *** law *** ** *** ************ model of ******** ** **** as trying to ****** order *** ******* ***** ** ***** ********** ** *** ***** ****** era ******** found ********** ****** ** the side of ********* laws **** ********* *** **** and were ********** ** *** ****** ** ** army and *** ****** *********** professional model *** *** to *** ********* *** where the ****** ******** *** **** ********** to *** *** ** ************** ***** and ******* *** ********* *** maintaining ***** * ******* ******* ****** ** ******** ** ********** *** controlling frightening ************* ** **** *** it was the **** time *** ******** ****** **** *** ***** research ****** ** ******* ********* ****** *** few *** ***** ******* *** ** the availability ** *** *** ******* government **** *** ******** ***** ** **** *** grants and *** ******** ******** ******* Evidence ** what ******** what ******** *** recommendations ** *** ** ******* ******** **** adequate ** a **** ** ******** policing will ******** ** ******** **** **** up ** ***** ** funds *** ******* *** solutions **** up *** ******* rolling in (Morey ******* far ** ******* ** ********* with police *** ****** ** social media *** ***** of technology **** ***** * ***** *** ****** ******** **** ******** social ***** not **** to **** *********** but **** **** ***** ********** ****** to ************ Crimes such as **** peddling have ******** ** ********* ***** ******** a *** **** *** ****** ** ****** ** *** ***** era ****** will incorporate more **** public ******** ******** *** ****** ******* to * ******** officer *** ******* *** come up **** * **** *** shared ************* *** **** *********** ****** ** **** shared information A ******* ***** *** ** ***** ** ***** * *** ****** crime *** entry ** ********** *** ******** the ******* ****** ** * nation *** federal *** implementation so **** each ***** *** deal **** several casesIn ** ******* *** only ******** *** that *** *********** ******* ** *** criminal ******* ** the ********* ******** *** In **** *** police *** community started ******* ******** and ** one *** oppressed ** any *** *** ******** community ******** era thoughts *** out ** *** *** *** ********* ******* **** recognized ** **** ***** can ** ****** ****** **** **** ****** applicants began ** prove the *********** ******* **** Bachelor *** ********* ******* This ****** ******* ******** who required more tough ******** **** ***** before **** era ** ******* ** dealing **** ** ****** like **** ** **** ** **** * difference ** ******** * ****** ********* ** the ****** ******** and ***** are supposed ** have * *** in *** **** *** ***************************** J * ***** Mastrofsky * D ***** (1991) ******* ** ***** Moore * H (1991) **** political ** ****** ** ********** *** **************** ** *** police *********** ********* ******** ** ********** York: *********** * ****** ** Policing **** ********* 21 May **** **** ************************************************************************************** * * ****** *** ****** *** ** policing: ******** ********************* ****** of *** ********* ***** ***************** *******

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