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********** ************* *************** ******************** ****************** ********************** ***** *** ***** ******** **** ******* from her ******* ** Courtelaney Pass **** ****** ******* **** **** *** ******* *** *** ******** *** **** and **** **** ******* ****** * ****** *** family *** friends ******** ***** ******** *** * few **** later ***** ********* **** *** discovered ** *** ***** ** **** ****** ***** **** no ******* signs ** ****** ******* her underwear was ****** *** *** ****** next ** the **** *** ********** officers called for *** ********* **** yet **** one ********** arrived at the ***** ***** *** **** ****** ******** evidence collected at *** ***** mostly photographs **** taken ** *** ***** The ******* examiner failed ** perform * full *********** on *** body *** it was ***** **** *** cause ** death *** snake ***** ********* while *** ********** ****** was ***** ** * ******* ****** In seven ***** some ********** ******** ******** were **** ******* **** their homes *** **** found **** ** ****** areas ** ****** ******** **** *** **** ******* examiner reported that *** other ******** **** ****** ******** ** *************** * ***** *********** from * *********** Pass ********* **** *** ********** **** ** ****** **** case *** further *********************** ** ******************** **** *** * ****** ***** **** is ********* of 94% ***** and *** **** **** *** ********** *** just **** supporting **** ****** *** ****** *** perception is **** *** police ****** ***** **** ******** ******* ********** ***** ****** *** placement test *** when **** ** **** they ****** ** work *** the ***** police ******* **** *** offered more cash **** ***** ** **** ** ********* ** ********* ******* ********* more ********* ****** *** ****** ****** *** ******** *** ********** of ********* *** **** **** ***** **** ********* ** a differentiated ***** ************* *** ** forceResidents ** *** ***** ***** area fight **** superfluous *** excessive force is ************ ******** ****** between *** police *** *** youthful ***** *** ** *** local **** The ***** ** ********* force ** ********* ******* it identifies **** *** ***** area's ****** *********** *** ****** ***** **** ************ ***** aggravations ****** *** ***** **** *** cause ******** ******* the police ******** and *** ****** they serveTraffic ****** ******************** Pass **** ** ****** ********* **** officer per ***** ** ****** 12 citations *** chief ** ****** ******** ******** *** ******** to **** ****** ********* ** ********* **** **** ****** **** 10mph ** ********* ** most ******* enforcers Likewise ** *** one ** *** greatest speed ***** ** its ***** ********** lessening *** ***** with no *********** from ******** ******* * ******* ******* *** ** officer stowing away with * radar ****** to *** ********* *** issue ** ******* ****** ********* is important ******* ** *** ******* due ** *** ** ******** tickets *** ****** by ****** *** ************ explorersKayla ****** **** A ******* *********** Pass detective ** *** name of *** Throtmorten **** * ***** *********** ***** *** Kayla Morgan case ** ******* **** * ****** ******* *** has ***** **** the Courtelaney Pass police ********** *** to ***** *************** ***** and ****** ***** ****** Throtmorten **** contended **** *** ****** ******* ******* ***** how ** knew *** ** do * carotid chokehold **** ***** ****** anyone ******* ******* ****** on *** victim’s **** **** ********* declaration *** ******** ** * ********* ******* ***** declarations cannot ** **** ** court ** ** *** * *********** *********** ** * police ******* ******* if the ********** ******* *** ****** ************ *** **** to * ******* residence *** featuring *** idea **** "most ** the states **** **** chosen this ***** and **** that * ********* ************ is an ************** ********** ***** ******** ** *** Sixth Amendment ***** ** * ********* (Smith ***** ***** *** ***** *********** was reported ** a ******** **** * *** enforcement ******* ** can be **** ** ***** *** ** ***** ******** ***** ** re-open a ************ caseOne ***** error ** **** case *** *** *** responding ******** ***** **** *** ******* ****** call ** **** ******** passed *** Missing ******** Act ***** ******** *** ************** ** ******* every ******* ****** **** and ***** it **** the NCIC ******* ****** **** ***************** It ** ****** ******** *** ******** to tell ******* that ***** ***** **** ****** *** **** *** *** ** ***** until ** *** been *********** hours ***** the child **** ******* ******* ******** causes **** ** be ************ ** **** ** *** police are ****** in ******* ***** ******* ** ***** ********** ****** ** *** ***** ** *** child ********************* *** **** is ******** investigators **** **** ** ** back ** the Kayla ******** **** ** *** if *** ******* memorialized her bedroom ***** is * ****** ******** when ******** *** ** the ******* ** ************ **** ************* may **** a ****** ** finding forensic ******** in *** ******* **** police ******* ** *** ***** after ***** Williams **** ******* *** ****** ** *** ******* *** open *** ****** ****** have **** ****** *** ****** and ******** swabbed for *** ** the bedroom is memorialized **** ***** *** ** * ****** **** ******** ** ***** ******* ** *** window if *** **** *** ************ ************* should **** **** *** ******** **** should *** be ***** ***** ** ****** was **** ********* ** *** bedroom there could be ******** **** *** **** ****** ** *** ******* **** *** never ******* ******* ***** ******** 2015)The ******* ******** for *********** **** ** ***** Clausen ******** that ***** ******** ***** ** ***** was * ***** **** ***** *** toxicology report was ******* ** ******* ****** *** ********* *** *** "potential" ******** ****** ** *** **** ** *** ***** ***** thigh ** ***** ******** **** *** ******* ******** did *** ** * **** ******* *** *********** any questions the ********* had ***** the ****** underwear ** *** ****** ** ******* *** **** **** ** *** ***** **** ** **** *** ******** cause of ***** ****** ***** poisoning" ******* * ********** report and Morgan's body was ****** * **** later ******* according to ****** *** ****** *** ***** ** a ***** **** ***** be ************* in *** ***** **** and ****** ********* * ***** **** *** ** used ** ***** *** right root of ***** ****** Between *** ***** declaration and the ********** ** the ******* ******** ** ***** ****** ******** ***** ** *** ** *** exhume the body ** Kayla ****** * **** ********** ** * *************** ** ********* of * ****** ** its ******* ****** ******** ** *********** ***** its ****** which *** **** ****** as a lawful ********** ********* ** customs ** ******* ** in * ************* *** ** conceal *** crime” ******* Parveen ***** **** ***** Exhumations *** ** ********* ** *** context of criminal ** civil ***** ****** ****** *** reasons ******** ****** are for this ***** are ** ********* *** cause of ***** *** *** a second ******* ******* ******* & **** 2018) **** ****** ****** been **** ***** and the ******** ****** may have ********** ************* *** **** *** ***** of * ****** ***** **** *********** the ********* cause of ***** ** ************** due to *** ***** *********** ** *** ************************ ** the ******* examinerAs stated ****** *** medical examiner ** ***** ******* ******* *** ***** ** ***** ** ***** ****** as "snake ***** poisoning" without a toxicology ****** *** *** ***** ***** ****** ** *** ******** **** ******** ** ************** ******* *** **** ***** had ******* ********* ********* *** **** ********* and **** ** them *** thorough ************** due to *** ******* ** “non-homicidal ********* *** ** *** ********** ** *** **** ** the ******* ******** ** Elmer ******* ** ***** enough ******** ***** ** put Dr ******* ***** ************* and ******* ** terminate *** ********* to Florida ******* 406075:By ******* ******* ** Clausen was negligent of his ****** ** *** fullest ****** *** ** misrepresented **** ** reporting *** cause ** ***** ******* * complete ******* ** toxicology report If *** ********** ******** **** *** evidence ******* ** ******* is ****** *** ** investigation *** ********** has the authority ** put ** Clausen ** probation ******* ** ********* *** ********** ** * medical ******** ***** have **** ***** ********* of a medical ******** ***** terminated ** put ** ********* **** ****** a ******** ************* ** **** ** ****** the Klamath ****** ******* ******** *** ****** ** * ********* probation *** fined $5000 ** *** ***** Board ** ******* ********* for ********* acts ** *********** ** his **** ********* ***** ********* ** ****** ***** ********** ***** ******* ******** *** fired on ********** ******* ********* ******** ******** ********* ****** *** ** 2012 the Oklahoma deputy ***** ******* ******** and several ***** ********* ** the ******** ***** office **** fired following an ******** investigation ************ 2021) This all shows that even ****** they *** just under ************* **** *** ***** be under ********* ********* ** ********** *** *** ******** ** Florida **** ******* * *** ******* examinerConclusion ********* the review ******** that ********* ************ ************* ** required ** ******* the issues *********** by *** *********** **** ****** sector Evidence-based ***** for example ********* **************** ******** ******** and ********* ******** *********** ***** **** the ****** to diminish misconduct *** ******* ********* **** the residents The engagement ** ****** ***** **** a ****** *********** ** *** success ** these strategies *** ********* leaders ***** ** **** to ***** both *** leadership ****** *** ******* values in their ************************* Z **************** ****** ***** ******* ******** ***** *** deputy ***** ** ***** ******* ****** ***** ************* ******** ************* Available *** <https://tulsaworldcom/archive/oklahomas-deputy-chief-medical-examiner-fired/article_25fcf603-399d-53d2-be3b-2e8736b5f965html> [Accessed ** ********* **************** * S ******* Guide ** Sources ** ***** ******** ******* ************* 6) ********** ** ***** ***** PressMcEwen * ***** ******** * ****** ******** ******** ** ******** ************** and prosecutionsJournal of ******** sciences60(5) 1188-1198Nadeem * ******* H ***** Awan * F (2018) PREVALENCE ** ********** ** ******** *********** * ***** EXPERIENCE *** ************ ******* ************* 1277-1282O'Sullivan * (2021)Chief ******* Examiner *** ** * *** [online] Delawareonlinecom ********* *** **************************************************************************************************************************** [Accessed ** ********* *********** * * & ****** * L ****** ********* ***** bite in *************** of forensic ************* *************** * ************* ******** ****** ** ********* heraldandnewscom ********* 25 September **** **** *************************************************************************************************************************************** * * (2015) ************** *************** Confrontation: *********** ***** ************** * ***** ******* ***

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