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How can data be used to improve quality and safety? Discuss the types of graphs used to present data collected and discuss the benefits of each. 1,000 word
How can data be used to improve quality and safety? Discuss the types of graphs used to present data collected and discuss the benefits of each.
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*************************** ****************** ************************** ** ******* *** SafetyThe *** ** **** ** ************ ****** *** ******* ** ******* **** *** ********** ********** ** ********** *** ************** ** ******* **** **** is **** to ****** ***** ********** with *** implementation of ********** by ******** ****** **** show optimal *********** ** ********* ********* *********** ************ *** ** *** budget *** ********** The **** **** leads ** ******* *********** ** services ** ** ******** *** ********** with ****** evidence of *** ******* ** ********* ******* et al ***** ** *** performance ********** ** ********* *** ****** ******** then ** ******* **** *** *** ********** ** consistently improve the ******** *********** *** consistency ** ****** ********* **** also ** *********** ** ** ************** ******* ** the ********** *** use ** ** enhance ******* *** recruit the **** ************ ******* *** ****** ** products *** **** ******** ** **** ** it can compare the compliance ********* in *** industry and **** ******** ** the ******* The ******** that do *** ******* *** ******* ******** set are *** ***** *** rejected The public’s ****** is ********* In *** **** **** **** is **** ** ******* the ************ of the machinery **** to ******* ****** It ***** **** they can understand **** *** characteristics ** * ***** ******* are and *** **** *** ** better improved (Millic ** al ***** **** is **** to **** *** feedback ** *** ********* *** ********* ******** ***** *** ********** **** **** ***** ***** ********* a system ** * ****** ** ******* difficult then ** becomes **** to follow ** ** *** ********** ** *** ******** ** *** ********* The ******** **** ******** the ***** that **** ** ** ******* to ********* the ******* of ******** **** ** **** **** ** ******* ************** ** ************ providing ********** **** *** **** in each ****** *** ****** and ******** associated **** ****** *** ******* *** also ******** *** ******** through **** ********** ********** such as **** ****** *** ******** *** reliability ********** **** them **** ******** **** ** ** *** ****** *** source ** safety *********** Whether ** *** ********* or ** * hospital **** mining ****** ********** ** *** ******** ****** ** **** ************* *** confidence ******** ************ ***** ** *** **** *** brings * positive ********** ** * company The ******** ********** ****** in profit that *** ******* *** ******** ** *** ****** *** quality ********* *********** (Millic ** al 2015; ***** ** ** ***** The **** ** **** used to ******* ************* ** each ******** **** in *** ***** of ********** ******** ************ **** *** *** ******** ** is * ******* that ** *** **** run offers tangible ******** that ** ** ******** ** enhance safetyQuality of services ** an ************** **** *********** ** **** if *** ********* ** *** ************ ********** * ************* ****** ***** employees can make decisions ******* ************ **** ** the **** *** ** **** ** *** to restrictions ****** ** *** ******** ********* ***** detection eliminates ********** *** **** of ************** **** *** negatively ****** the ********* ** ******** ****** ** ** 2019) Periodic review ********* ****** on **** ** **** ** ***** is progress or *** *** ********* ******* ********** *** ***** **** ***** ** no ******* ** guaranteeing safety *** *** ******* ** ******** **** *** ** ******** *** evaluated ********* ********** ** *** ** the ability ** **** to ** optimized Graphs ** ********* *** **** ***** ** ****** **** in *** ******* ** analyzing and ********** data They ******* **** bar *** ****** ******* stock and bubble ****** *** *** ** ****** ****** is done **** *** ************ ** * ********** ** **** **** ** a ***** numeric-data dimension ** ********* ** ** used in heavy data ******** ********** whose decision ****** ***** ** ***** *** ******* ********** ******** *** comparison between ********* ** **** on ***** *** **** ******** ****** ** informed ******* (Jeddi et ** ***** *********** *********** are also portrayed ******* *** system ** **** ******** **** the *********** **** *** **** ********** are *** **** **** ** ********** used **** make ** **** ** **** ********* ********* without ******* **** *** ****** ** *** ******* as ******** The use ** the line ***** ******* the **** ******* *** ** ************ **** ** ** ** simple and uses *** **** *** **** ***** ** an ********* ******* that makes it **** to ******* different ****** and ******** outliers that can ********** ****** * business ** there *** ***** ******* *** **** ***** **** bend *** ****** ** **** ******* ** **** *** ** *********** in a ****** ******* ******* the ************* of complex ***** and *************** *** ** *** *** ***** ** ****** **** ******* ** ******** *********** ** data *** multi-classes ******* ***** the *********** ** **** ****** and *************** can ********* ***** **** ****** ******* ******** **** **** ****** ***** *** ******** *** use the *** ***** as they believe it ** visually ********* *** does *** ***** **** and *************** (Jeddi ** ** ***** ****** * ******** ** * glance is only ******** through *** pie ***** as ***** ********** *** misrepresent ****** *** misinform a person The ******* plot shows a ***** in **** easily and ********** *********** ****** **** *** other **** of **** presentation *** ****** ***** *** data ****** *** not ******* ** ********** with to *** * ****** ********* it enhances ************** The positive *** ******** types ** data correlation *** ****** ** *** scatter plot ** means **** ***** ****** to ** **** *** ******** *** ***** ** *** ** *** **** ****** **** ************** graphs as they ********** **** and **** proportions ** ** effective ****** *** ******* ** **** and each *** ***** ** shown ** a ****** ******* the **** *** complicated ************ ***** *** ********** ** there ** * **** *** ************ *** bar ***** ***** *** *** ******** ********** **** * ******* ** * company; ********* ******** *** project management *** ****** undertaken ************* ******* *** *** ***** ** ** ** ******** appealing *** does not ***** **** **** might **** bias ** **** ******** ****** ****** et ** ***** ** *** long **** ** is **** ****** for junior employees ** *** ** ** **** not require a lot ** mathematical ****** ** **** *** make decisions ***** ** **** Although correlation *** ***** parameters ***** not be **** *********** ** ** ***** *** **** ********* graph fr **** ******* looking ** ******* the *********** of a ********** style ReferencesCramond * *********** * Doran-Constant L **** * * ******* M & Thomas J ****** *** development *** ********** ** an ****** *********** ** ****** ** the ********** ** **** **** graphs *** *** in ********** ******* ******** **** research 3Gheibi * Mahmoodzadeh * ****** K ***** * ***** Ghasemi A (2019) **** ********** **** graphs using ***** ********** ************ *** ************* ************* ******* of endocrinology and metabolism ************* * L Stock * * ***** ***** C * (2014) ********** ****** ******* *** continuous ******* improvement The Journal of ******* ************** ****** ****************** T L ***** N * ****** * * ***** ******* * D ****** ****** bar *** line ******* **** for * *** **** ************ ******** PLoS ******* ***** ********