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How is the theme of jealousy presented in Othello? Explore how the theme of jealousy is portrayed in Othello? Jealous and Cruelty as themes in Shakespeare play Othello “In the play ‘Othello,’ Shakespe
How is the theme of jealousy presented in Othello?
Explore how the theme of jealousy is portrayed in Othello?
Jealous and Cruelty as themes in Shakespeare play Othello
“In the play ‘Othello,’ Shakespeare powerfully portrays a world dominated by jealousy, hatred and revenge.”
To what extent would you agree with this view of the play? Support the points you make with the aid of suitable reference to the play.
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******** ** ********** ** ******* and ********* the negative thoughts *** ******** ** ********** **** *** ******* **** ** *********** loss ** ********* **** * ****** values ******** ******** of a combination ** ******** **** ** ***** ******* *** disgust They cannot feel the *** except ** *** ************* ** *** *** ****** ******* on *** ***** hand ****** to the pleasure ** ********** ********* *** ******* violence The *** ****** of ******* *** ******* are key ****** that *** writer ** ******* *** ******* ******** ** *** use ** *** ********** ** the play *** two emotions *** ******** concurrently *** they ****** togetherThe good **** *** **** ********** ** *** **** ********* ****** ** *** **** ***** virtues **** **** in **** ******** positions *** family that *** ***** **** *** *** *** ** ***** one uses **** ****** ******** ***** ***** ** life **** uses **** ** * ******** and **** **** situation ** his ***** ****** ** *** jealous and ***** ******** He **** ********** to ******* *** reputation of ****** ** creating illusions *** **** *** sharing **** **** those **** ***** ****** **** ** his own ********* Iago is ******* ** *** *** other ********** and they continuously **** *** *** for advice ** uses ***** ************* ** ********** the ********* to **** *** ******** ********* By ************ ***** ******** *** ******** ******* **** *** ********** of **** reputation ** shown by ***** *********** *** **** **** in *** and ***** **** my lord is the ********* jewel ** ***** ******** ******** *** *** *** ************ ****** supreme ** *** ** *** evil ********** because ** his intense *** ****** ******* perfectly combined with *** *********** ****** ** **** *** ********* *** *********** *** ******* ******* *** ******** loyal *** honest ********* that he ******** ** *** ***** ************** *** ****** *** **** *** ****** ****** *** ********* ***** ****** ** ********** *** *********** *** *** audience ** ******** *** ** * *********** *** decent manIago **** jealous ** a weapon ** **** the ******** ** *** *** characters ** Othello ******* **** *** ****** ** ** ******** ***** ** *** **** Iagos ************ *** ********** ****** **** ** ** confronted **** ******** **** ** cannot handle ***** ***** ******* ******** *** the ********** making ** ***** ** understand his *********** ******* it ***** **** been *** *** ******** *** **** for Desdemona ** * ******* ******* ******* and ****** *** loosing *** in ******* *** ******** ** *** **** position ** ** ** *** **** being *** *** own **** ******* *** ********* *** ***** in **** **** each other ***** is **** romance between Bianca *** Cassio Iago ****** the ***** ** creating ****** between Cassio *** Desdemona *** *** ****** ***** *********** **** *** reputation ** ******* *** ****** is in the case ** Cassio ******* ** ******* *** Moorish ******* in *** ******* **** *** ** ******* *** * ****** ** command Cassio ** ****** although **** wants **** position *********** **** *** ****** *** **** ***** to avenge **** ***** he convinces ******* ***** ** * responsible loyal *** *********** *** ** ******* *** ***** ***** *** go out drinking ** eventually **** **** a fight **** ******* lieutenant *** ** ********** by ******* **** ***** to ******* **** situation **** lies to ******* and ***** *** **** ****** ******* **** that *** the ************ * ******** ********* and ************ ** **** ** **** ** love **** ********* ** ** ******* ******* of *** **** that ****** ******* ******* and ********* **** ***** *** ** **** Iago ****** *** rumors **** ********** ******* them all **** ** *** **** ***** ******** **** ** is ** ****** *** nobody suspects *** of ********* ***** *** final *** when ******** realizes that ** *** **** ******* **** **** ******** ***** **** that ******* is * ********* * ******** senator and ************* ****** ** *** ****** ** *** ***** They tell him to ** aware ** Othello *** ** **** *** away **** his daughter ****** ******** ****** *** shame put on **** ***** **** heart ** ***** *** **** **** half **** soul Even *** *** very *** an *** ***** ram ** ******* **** ***** ****** ******** *** * i ********** turns ******* Cassio *** ********* *** ** ***** ** up ** ****** “Oh ****** ** lord/ of ********* ** ** *** ********** monster which **** mock *** **** ** ***** ** ******* ****** *** ******** are **** ******** ** ***** *** **** out ** the jealousness **** *** **** ********* ** **** ***** ******** ***** him to ************* ***** and *********** ********* ******* ******** **** ********* ***** it clear that *** ***** and ****** *** ******* ********* ******* vindictive *** bitterly warns Othello ** be careful *** ********* as ********* may **** *** ** be * ***** ******* ** *** if **** hast *** eyes to ******** has ******** *** father *** my ******* ********* ** ****** *** **** ********* * **** ******* ******** ** his son ** ***** * ********* ** the end ** the ***** ***** ** Cyprus Iago speaks ** his own motivations; ****** I do **** her not *** ** ******** **** ****** ************ ** ***** ********** *** as ***** * ******* ****** *** to diet ** revenge” (21291-294) ** ***** to ******* *** *** *** suspicion **** Othello *** **** ** *** **** ****** Its ****** *** *** *** ** ******* be ******************** ** his play ******* uses *** character ** *** **** ** ****** *** ****** ** jealous and cruelty whereby **** ********** *** driven ** emotions ** *********** which ** turn ***** **** ** **** ******* **** *** cruel ** **** the ******* *** ** ********* ***** two ****** are **** developed *** ******* ******** ** **** they ** ************ *** the jealous **** lead ** *******