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Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer Infection Discuss the below Mini Case Study:A 36-year-old female has a routine physical. She is single, doesn’t smoke and hasa few drinks of alcohol a week. Sh

Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer Infection

Discuss the below Mini Case Study:A 36-year-old female has a routine physical. She is single, doesn’t smoke and hasa few drinks of alcohol a week. She began menarche at age 11 and her first sexualintercourse was at age 14. She has had numerous sexual partners and does notregularly use barrier contraception. Physical examination is normal. The Papsmear comes back as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance(ASCUS).a. What risk factors does she have for cervical cancer?b. Describe the pathogenesis of Human Papilloma Virus.c. Why should HPV testing be done and what are the tests to be ordered?d. What HPV subtypes are associated with cervical cancer?e. Explain the role of E6 and E7 HPV proteins in cervical cancer.f. Differentiate between Human Papilloma Virus and Herpes Simplex virus*** Be sure to substantiate your comments by stating the reasons and relatinganswers to evidence-based material. Include textbook and journal citations.Demonstrate organization, originality, and clarity of thought. Integrate yourreadings with examples from your personal experience and practice wherepossible

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**** ****** Infection ** Human Papillomavirus to ******** CancerCervical ****** *** ************ ** *********** ****** ** *** of the most common abnormal ****** ** ***** ****** ***** ********** **** ***** papillomavirus ********* ***** ********* ** *** *** **** ****** carried *** ** 34-year old ******* *** ***** *** few ********** ** *** though not ****** (Huether ***** McCance ***** **** **** ****** *** ** *** ** early sexual *********** ** *** *** ** ** ***** **** many sexual ******** ***** *** *** Although ******** cancer ** observed ***** ** ***** *** woman ***** ** at **** in *** future ** not diagnosed ************ ** *** results **** *********** ****** ********** ************ ****** in *** psychosexual ***** ** the woman ******* ******* **** of ******* ***** This ********* ***** affects *** epithelial **** where **** ********** *** *********** ** ********** ** the **** ***** of the ****** **** replication ** *** DNA ***** together **** *** ****** *********** ***** ***** in *** ***** layer ** the *********** **** and SubtypesCarrying out *** HPV ******* is *********** ** *** ******* ** individual in ************* *** **** ****** cervical cancer ********** **** helps ******* ************** *** replication ** *** ***** DNA ***** ** *** female sexual organs **** & **** ***** ******* ******** ****** is highly ********** **** ** *** ** *** ********* **** ********* ***** influence *** of cervical ********** ** ** *** ** ***** *** *** ***** **** ***** ** *** ** ***** **** **** ** ******** ***** ******* ** ********* p53 and Rb *** provide ******** ************** ** ******* (Yim & **** 2005)HPV *** ****** ******* Virus (HSP) *** *** over 100 viruses **** cause ********* ** the ***** **** ** *************** membranes Though **** * few viruses lead ** cancer ********* ** *** ***** **** of *** ******** canal ***** HSV consists of two **** viral ***** * *** *** **** are ****** *********** ******* sexual ** **** ******* ******* ** genital ****** (Whitley ***** ******* 2001)             ReferenceHuether * * ***** ******* * * ****** ************* ********************** ******** ****** *************** * * ***** ******* * ****** Herpes ******* ***** ********** The ****** ********* ************ * * & Park * S (2005) *** **** ** *** ** and ** ************ ** HPV-associated ******** ************** Cancer research *** ********** ******** ******* ** ****** Cancer Association ***** ***

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