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"you will create and apply the mst method to the document similarity setting. We create a graph which has a vertex for each of the ten documents. Between every pair of vertices, there is an edge whose cost is the dissimilarity between the two corresponding documents. The dissimilarity is defined to be 1 minus the similarity.Run the mst method on the graph. From the minimum spanning tree, remove the four costliest edges. This will yield four components. Output the names of the files in each component. What we have described here is a well-known way of clustering using the minimum spanning tree. The choice of four made above is somewhat arbitrary. Update 1: You can write your own sorting method if that is more convenient. Update 2: If we remove four edges in the minimum spanning tree, we get 5 components, not four. Update 3: After obtaining the min-spanning tree for the 10-node graph on the files, you can do the rest of the stuff manually, just to save time. So print the edges of the min-spanning tree, and just report the 5 components by manual inspection. You can submit a text file with these 5 components. import java.io.*;import java.util.*;class Cluster {public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {String s,wrd;Hashtable<String,MyWord> h = new Hashtable<String,MyWord>();ArrayList<String> sourcefilelist = new ArrayList<String>(); FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("/mnt/nfs/netapp1/fs3/kvaradar/.public-html/sp2010/hw7input/sourcefiles");InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream);StreamTokenizer tokens = new StreamTokenizer(reader);while (tokens.nextToken() != tokens.TT_EOF) {s = tokens.sval;sourcefilelist.add(s);}stream.close();Hashtable<String,String> [] f = (Hashtable<String,String> []) new Hashtable[sourcefilelist.size()];for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) f[i] = new Hashtable<String,String>();String inputfilename, inputfilenameprefix;inputfilenameprefix = "/mnt/nfs/netapp1/fs3/kvaradar/.public-html/sp2010/hw7input/";StringBuilder sb;MyWord w;int i = 0;for( String x: sourcefilelist ) {System.out.println("Reading " + x);sb = new StringBuilder();sb.append(inputfilenameprefix);sb.append(x);inputfilename = new String(sb);stream = new FileInputStream(inputfilename);reader = new InputStreamReader(stream);tokens = new StreamTokenizer(reader);while (tokens.nextToken() != tokens.TT_EOF) {s = tokens.sval;if (isGoodString(s) && (s.length() > 4)) {w = h.get(s);if (w != null) {w.multiplicity = w.multiplicity + 1;if (f[i].get(s) == null) {w.numfiles = w.numfiles + 1;f[i].put(s,s);}h.put(s, w);}else {h.put(s, new MyWord(s,1,1));f[i].put(s,s);}}}stream.close();i++;}double current;UndGraph gr = new UndGraph();for (String x: sourcefilelist) gr.addVertex(x);for (i = 0; i < sourcefilelist.size(); i++) {for (int j = i + 1; j < sourcefilelist.size();j++) {current = inprod(f[i],f[j],h);gr.addEdge(sourcefilelist.get(i), sourcefilelist.get(j), 1 - current);}}/* Once you've added the mst code to the graph class, you can call ithere to compute the mst for the document dis-similarity graph. With the edges in the mst, you can compute the four clusters.*/}public static double inprod(Hashtable<String,String> f1, Hashtable<String,String> f2, Hashtable<String,MyWord> h) {double answer = 0;int firstlength = 0;int secondlength = 0;Collection<String> wordlist = f1.values();for (String x: wordlist) {MyWord w = h.get(x); if ( (w.multiplicity <= 20) && (w.numfiles <=7) ) {firstlength++;if (f2.get(x) != null) answer = answer + 1;}}wordlist = f2.values();for (String x: wordlist) {MyWord w = h.get(x); if ( (w.multiplicity <= 20) && (w.numfiles <=7) ) {secondlength++;}}return answer/(Math.sqrt(firstlength) * Math.sqrt(secondlength));}public static boolean isGoodString(String s) {if (s == null) return false;boolean isValid = true;int i = 0;while( (i < s.length()) && isValid ) {isValid = java.lang.Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i));i++;}return isValid;}}class MyWord {String word;int multiplicity;int numfiles;public MyWord(String s, int x, int n) {word = s; multiplicity = x; numfiles = n;}}class Vertex {String name;LinkedList<Edge> edgeList ;public Vertex(String s) {name = s;edgeList = new LinkedList<Edge>();}}class Edge {Vertex origin;Vertex destination;double cost;// edge has no direction, so origin and destination are misnomerspublic Edge(Vertex o, Vertex d, double w) {origin = o;destination = d;cost = w;}}class UndGraph {Hashtable<String,Vertex> h;public UndGraph() {h = new Hashtable<String, Vertex>();}public void addVertex(String s) {Vertex v = new Vertex(s);h.put(s,v);}public void addEdge(String s1, String s2, double w) {Vertex u = h.get(s1);Vertex v = h.get(s2);if ( (u != null) && (v !=null) ) {Edge e = new Edge(u,v,w);u.edgeList.add(e);v.edgeList.add(e);}}public void printGraph() {Collection<Vertex> vertexList = h.values();for(Vertex v: vertexList) {System.out.print(v.name + " :");for(Edge e: v.edgeList) {if (e.origin == v) System.out.print(" " + e.destination.name);elseSystem.out.print(" " + e.origin.name);}System.out.println(" ");}}/*public LinkedList<Edge> mst(){}*/}"

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