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I am asking for my sociology essay. There are 2 parts of the essay, Part 1. In 3-4 pages answer the following questions:

I am asking for my sociology essay. There are 2 parts of the essay,

Part 1. In 3-4 pages answer the following questions: What TWO social forces or institutions do you think have (or will have) the greatest effect on your life, identity and lifecourse? In what ways do they do this? (Another way to think about this question: How do they provide you with the chance to pursue your goals? How do they limit your life chances?) 

I wrote about Sports(leadership,sportsmanship, team spirit)  and cultural background(Difference between Hong Kong and Vancouver, lifestyle etc.) but it is hard to find 4-5 references to answer part2 (Does the research I found reflect my life experiences, yes or no? Explain.) Can u guys help? thanks

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