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I am in need of some assistance making the following code work correctly. I am writing a program that computes the salaries for a collection of...

I am in need of some assistance making the following code work correctly. I am writing a program that computes the salaries for a collection of employees of different types. It consists of four classes.

I have to declare two arrays for the years of 2014 and 2015, a method: coding to read in file and assign to appropirate array, a method: to update the various rows of each array, and a method to display the output.

I have the following array/method to read file put together but can't figure out how to incorporta/change it to do the years of 2014 and 2015.

I also have documents with more information if needed.

public static void main (String [] args) {

    Scanner scannerIn=null;

    FileInputStream in=null;

    BufferedReader inputStream = null;

    int rows = 6;

    int columns = 17;

    String [][]aryNewFile = new String [rows][columns];

    int fieldTotal = 0;

    int lineCount = 0;

    int fieldCount = 0;

    String line;

    try {

      FileReader inputValues = new FileReader("EmployeeData.txt");

      BufferedReader holdValues = new BufferedReader(inputValues);

      while ((line = holdValues.readLine())!=null){

      System.out.print("Line" + lineCount+" ");

      String[] values = line.split(",");

      for (String str: values) {

        System.out.print(str + "");

        aryNewFile[lineCount][fieldCount]= str;



      }// end for (String str: values)




      }//while ((line = holdValues.readLine())!=null

      System.out.println("nFile record lines: " + lineCount);

      System.out.println("nTotal fields read: "+ fieldTotal);

      int fieldNumber = fieldTotal/lineCount;

      for (int fileLines = 0; fileLines < lineCount; fileLines ++) {

        for(int fileFields = 0; fileFields < fieldNumber; fileFields++){


        }//end for (int fileFields = 0; fileFields <17; fileFields++)


      }//end for (int fileLines = 0; fileLines <18; fileLines ++)

    } catch (IOException io){

      System.out.println("file IO exception; " +io.getMessage());

    } finally {

      try {



        }//end if (in!=null)



        }//end if (inputStream!=null)

      }catch(IOException io) {

        System.out.println("Issue closing the files" +io.getMessage());

      }//cat(IOException io)

    }//end finally

  }//end main()


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