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I have placed the instructions directly from the instructor below & included the topic I selected along with my outline. You can find the commercial directly on Youtube if you type in "People are accu

  1. I have placed the instructions directly from the instructor below & included the topic I selected along with my outline. You can find the commercial directly on Youtube if you type in "People are accusing dove ad of being racists " by the Business insider . 

  2. As we discussed in class, the paper must provide a semiotic analysis (papers that do not will be considered to be off topic and will automatically receive 0 points), and it must present an argument. It also must have a thesis, or main point, included in the introduction and should include at least four body paragraphs and a conclusion.

    For this paper, you must use at least five sources, one of which should be your primary text.

    Your critical essay must adhere to MLA guidelines and should be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font should use correct margins and headers and include a Works Cited page. A title is required for your paper, but no title pages or cover pages. Be sure to put your name, the name of your teacher, the name of the class, and the date in the upper-left hand corner. Your title for the paper should be centered and capitalized (but not in all caps) and should reflect the point of the essay. n order to satisfy your requirement for Composition II, you have been asked to write a 6-8 page (not including the Works Cited) critical essay in which you evaluate the cultural significance of a primary text from popular culture. Possible subjects include comic books, graphic novels, pop songs, advertisements, photographs, visual art, movies, music videos and TV shows.
  3. Introduction  

             i. Thesis : Dove’s commercial is racists because it promotes the image that the women who was not clean was African American and when she was clean she became white. This seems as though it promotes whites are more pure than blacks.

II. The dove commercial was premiered in October of 2017.

  1. Dove’s commercial promotes an stereotype that offended tons of consumers that were customers.

  2. This commercial possibly could have made dove’s sales rate to drop drastically.

III. After the commercial was aired, the company instantly became a complete target on social bashing the company’s name stating the bold racism act they have committed.

  1. Was this ad intentionally racists or was this a complete incident that occured with no intent ?

IV. After the social media uproar, how did Dove react?

  1. A public apology was issued. “ Soap company apologizes for racial insensitivity “

V. conclusion

5  sources

Conclusion ,, restate the thesis.

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******* *********************** ** ** ***** ****************** ******* ******** commercial ** ******* ******* ** ******** *** ***** **** *** ***** who were *** ***** was ******* American and **** she *** clean *** ****** ***** **** ***** ** ****** ** ******** ****** *** ***** **** ******** * ******** promotion *** **** **** **** * dark **** ***** *** her darker ***** *** — ******* Underneath ** * white **** ** * ***** shirt *** ************* * ************ *** *********** three ****** **** ****** *** *** ***** ** ******* *** following ** *** case the ******** from *** **** **** ** the ***** ****** *** ******** **** a ****** collection ** ** ******** ***** **** client *** ****** * long-running *********** figure of speech ** ******** ********** * ******* **** ********** ****** into ********* ****** ********* models *** ** ************* ** the * * ******** ******* which was ***** to ** **** 1875 ** **** **** ******** * white ********* asking * **** tyke "For what ****** ******* your mamma wash *** **** ***** ******* *** ****** ** *** **** promotion that *** posted *** ***** **** ******** online networking ******* thinking about how ** ***** have endured ********* ****** of survey ************** ** **** **** *** ********* *** ******* promotion: **** *** demonstrating ***** ****** ******** one next ** *** other each **** ******* **** than *** lady alongside *** Behind **** **** ***** ******** "previously" and ******** the ************ **** ******** behind ** **************** lady ************ broke skin while *** ******* sign ****** * white lady ********* ****** **** ************* progressively lovely ***** *** promotion read ******* *** *********** organization ******** to Dove **** in ** ************ ** Gawker: ****** *** ** *** ***** ****** *** ******* ** show the 'after' item ********* ** don't ******* *** ******** ** ********* **** ************ ******** *** ********* of ******* *** *** **** *** ****** ************* *** Dove's ******** ** ***** offense was *** lost *** ********* ********** media ******* *************** **** ********** ********* ** Facebook: ***** ** ******* ** ******** ** *** ************ ** ****** ******* ** * ******* ** ****** *** **** ******* week ** **** ** short in ******** speaking ** ladies ** shading *** we ********** ****** *** offense **** ** *** ******* **************** ***** * ************** for Dove said ** ****** **** *** *** "was ******** to **** ** **** Dove **** Wash is *** **** **** *** be * festival ** ******** variety ******* ** missed the ***** *** ************ ********* ******** ************ ********** ******** **** **** *** ******** the **** and was *********** *** ****** ********** *** ****** *** ********** ******** *** ******** to state **** number ** *********** ******** *** ************* ** ******* any ** **** were **************************** **** ******* by *** organization's ********** of remorse"What was *** imprint?" the ******** ****** ***** ******* wrote ** a ****** that was ***** ** ****** ** ******** ***** "I **** ******* with eyes *** ******** *** ******* this ** Not *** ********** on your ***** ********** ***** Amazing ***** ******** **** ***** *** ******* ********** **** lady ** the ***** point of *** dubious **** ************* ***** ** *** **** **** Dove ******* *** *** *********** ** ** the ******* of ******* **** wash crusade *** ****** *** *** ** **** *** would turned into *** ********** ***** specimen *** ***** ********* ** ********* by *** from * youthful *** *** *** **** ******* ** ****** *** *** * **** ******* young ***** *** ****** ** ******* ********* ** ** *** ******* up ** ******* *** grew ** ******* ** ********* ********** **** dull ******* individuals particularly ****** if their **** *** ******* **** would look ****** **************** the ****** ** speak ** *** *** cleaned ******* ** * ********* ******* kind **** **** the ***** **** for her to ****** *** world **** **** *** here ***** ********* *** all *** more ********** *** being esteemed *************** be told ** *** ***** that *** ****** "bigot ********** at *** ******* time ** image ** her **** ** the ***** ** **** up *** *** **** ***** ** be * ***** ** *** ******** and ******* the quality and ********** of *** **** so *** it to ** *** **** ****** *** board shock *** ******** *************** were ***** **** to ********* **** ***** *** ********** **** everywhere ********** the world **** ******* an *** on her ** ***** ******* *** *** alright *** *** overpowered by ******* how ******* the ********* *** ***** toward becoming (Ogunyemi)Be **** ** it *** *** experience she had **** the Dove ***** *** ******* *** *** a ******** time ** *** *** ******** of *** ladies in *** shoot ************ the **** and ****** ****** – ** ******* ***** disparities ** ******* *** way **** *** **** ****** tenderness ************* ******** ***** *** ** them ***** ********* at wearing naked T-shirts *** ************ into each ***** They ****** know *** *** **** ***** was ***** ** **** *** ***** ** **** ***** ****** ** highlighted ** ** yet ********* ******** ** ** ** ************* ******* **** ********* ********* *** ************ **** ***** *** ***** Facebook ************* *** *********** * ********* video *** ************ *** a white **** *** ** ***** **** ********* ***** **** **** *** ******** into *** ******* *** ********* ** Her ***** **** ****** ** *********** saluted *** *** ***** *** ***** to **** ** for looking ******* *** *** ******** to Black **** ***** *** *** **** ************ **** ***** *** **** ********* ** **** was ********** in *** ** *** she *** ******** once more ***** **** seven of **** ** *** **** **** *********** races *** ages ***** *** ** **** ********** a ******* inquiry: *** **** **** **** a **** **** what ***** ** ***** ************** **** *** *** the principal ***** ** show up ** *** promotion ********** her skin as "20% *** 80% ******** *** ******* ** ***** ****** *** end She ***** ** *** ********* ****** her appeared ** **** *** however *** **** TV ***** ********* * ****** ******** ******** ** ****** the ******** message ********** *** clear *************** is ********* something ** ** **** here ***** *** sponsors **** ** look **** the ******* *** consider *** ****** their ******** may have ********** **** ******* ** ************** ********** of ladies ** ** ******** ** ******* whether **** substance ************ that your purchaser's voice isn't **** ***** yet ** ******** esteemed *************** *** ******* **** ****** reaction ** ************* apologize *** any offense caused **** ***** **** ************ ******** ***** ********* ****** *** their ******** ** incorporate her ** ************* **** ******* dark **** ** * **** of ***** battle *** ***** only **** quiet ******** ** * mixed ** ********** ******* however a solid delightful and **** ***** be ******* ************ far as concerns *** ******** **** ***** ******* ** *********** racial *************** in *** excellence ******** *** would **** ***** ** "remind the ****** of *** magnificence *** estimation of **** **** ** partaking ** * crusade *** * ********* ******* brand (Kazeem)The ******** ************ ********* *** expression ** ******* ** ******** *** ******* on Saturday ****** *** ********* ***** up ***** in ******** ** ****** ** ******* ******* ** ******** *** ********** ****** *** offense it ******* ********* ******* ** ** of **** ****** ** ******** **** ** ***** ** ******** ** ****** of ******* ****** ** profoundly ****** *** ******* ** ****** ******** ***** **** clients ********* the ************* on *** *** and *** ********* ******** Keith ****** ****** * ****** *********** Dove ********* **** ************ two ****** of shading *** * ***** **** ********* ****** "previously" *** ******* ***** "OK **** *** supremacist promotion ***** *** think Two *********** ************** **** *** **** of ************ ****** ******** (CBS/AP)Analysts **** it *** ****** ***** ** ************ a **** **** changing into * ***** **** ********* that **** **** ** filthy *** white **** ** ******** **** prominent *** recorded ******** ** ********* ***** in ******** ********** ****************** ********* *********** group ** in * ******* ***** ***** A ******** body ** anything *** * white body **** bodies ****** ************ messy" composed Abigail ****** ** * ***** science ******* at ***** University ** ******* ** ******** ***** utilized their items ************* *** **** * great *********** ** ******* ******* (CBS/AP)Fox ****** ******** ***** ********* ******** ***** ***** utilize **** ******** ***** ******************** ******* to ********* *** DuVernay **** ************ *********** ** Dove's statement ** regret **** can show *********** **** ***** up ****** Flip + ********* Develops **** offense You do ***** **** Have **** *** ***** * **** **** ******* ***** she *********** ***** is ******* by ************* Company ******** *** **** *** ** ************* crusade that ******** ladies' ******** variety however **** **** condemned *** ****** up ***** ********** For ******** a 2011 ********* ****** to demonstrate ** **** could **** **** skin ***** **************** commercial ** ******* ******* ** promotes *** ***** that *** women *** **** *** clean *** African American *** **** *** *** ***** she ****** white **** ***** ** though ** ******** ****** are ***** **** blacksReferencesAstor ****** ***** ***** ** ** ******* ** ******* ** ** **** The New **** Times ************************************************************ ** ** ********** ***** ********** *** *** ******** *********** *** ** ** **** CBS **** ****************************************************************************** 03 ** 2019Jr ***** * ******* ** **** ad ****** * ***** woman turning ******* white *** ******** ** ******** * 10 2017 *** Washington **** ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 03 ** 2019Kazeem Yomi "The ***** ***** ** *** “racist Dove ***** ** ********* *** campaign" 10 10 2017 ****** Africa ************************************************************************* ** ** 2019Ogunyemi Lola "I am the ***** ** *** ******* **** ad' * ** not * ******* 10 ** **** *** ******** ****************************************************************************************** ** 05 *********** ****** ***** ********** *** ** ******* * ***** ***** ******* **** ***** one" ** ** **** The Guardian ************************************************************************************************************* 03 ** ****

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