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I have to submit a 2000 word essay for a module called "Rethinking Capitalism". This module uses a mix of economic and political perspectives to critically assess western capitalism, which is in crisi
I have to submit a 2000 word essay for a module called "Rethinking Capitalism". This module uses a mix of economic and political perspectives to critically assess western capitalism, which is in crisis.
The question asked is: "What are the advantages and disadvantages of a carbon tax policy in enabling the transition to a net-zero carbon economy?"
In-text citations are required as well as Harvard Referencing at the end of the paper.
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**************** ************ *************************************************** ************* ********** *** disadvantages ** * ****** *** ****** IntroductionIn *** economy ****** *** ******* of ******** ******** **** negative *** positive ******* ** greenhouse *** specifically ****** ******* ********* and the ********* ******* For **** ** **** climate ****** ****** ****** ** ******** ** ********* ********** the ********** ** can *** should ** **** ** * **** It ******** ********* individual and businesses to ********* ***** ******* ***** concerning technology ********* *** ******** ****** *** ********** *** ********** for *** *********** ******** ** *** ** charge ********** ** ** ********* ********** ** **** as folks ** ****** ** *** ******* fewer emitting ******** ***** *** ******* ************ ******** the externalities ******* ** CO2 discharges ****** ******* *** ***** ***** * cost-effective drop ***** ****** ********** *********** *** ******* *** *** ********* government ******** issues ***** charging *** ******** *********** ****** with ******* ********* *** ***** ** get *** exploit *** ******** ***** technic ** ***** ********** *** finance ** *** *********** ** *********** activities ** **** ** ******** **** *** mitigate ********* ******* ******** can ** ********* ** ****** ******* ********* ****** taxes ********* ********* ******* *** and ***** ***** power values *** ****** fuel ******* ******** ***** *** ******* ********* ** these ***** have been ******** ************ ** ***** ************** ********* *** *** charging ***** emissions *** ******* ** the ** the *** *** ***** ********* *** *** nation's power ***** ********* ** **** than *** ******* in *** **** ** ******** ************ ***** 15 ** **** they ***** have (Carlson ** ** ***** *** ******* ** **** program inspired *** strategy *** *********** ** *** *********** Union’s ******** ******* ********* *** **** *** **** big *** trade ******** ********* to lowering the *********** ** CO2 from *** gas industry *** ********* ********** ** ****** ****** ******** *** Ellerman ***** ****** these ******** ********* ***** ********** ** ******** market-based programs as official ****** to qualifying ********** *** ********** **** ***** is ******* with ****** merits and ******** ** * ****** tax policy ** aiding *** ****** ** * ******** ****** **************** TaxesIt ** the *** **** *** ********** **** on *** business ** the ******** ** fuels ***** 2020) ** **** cases **** oil *** *** *** *** **** **** are ********** ****** ***** *** ********** ** these ***** **** **** *** ******** ***** ************ these gases *** ******* *** *** *** lead ** global warming after ******* *** *********** ****** *** ********** should impose ****** *** ******* ****** ******* ***** *** ******* ***** The ********** *** prepare * *** in *** form ** **** amount ** money per *** of ****** ******* ********** ******* ******* ***** *** ** in ***** ***** * carbon *** on fossil ***** (natural *** **** *** ******* ** they ******** the economy To ** **** ********** **** ** tax **** ** able ** cater *** *** ******* and ***** ********* *** ****** ****** would be established in the same *** as *** ********** ****** ** emission drop characterized by *********** ** *** ****** ***** ** ****** ******* ** al2017) In **** *** ********* ****** *** ** ****** to ******** reflection ** the ******* of the ********* ** **** gas ********** ******** the *********** the more likely there **** ** ** ********* ** harm **** *** ********** *** ** *** *********** ****** ******** will **** ascertain *** ********** cost ** ********** that decreases ***** about returning ** ******* ******* *** ***** leave ******** ************ discharge ****** ***** *** Stavins **************** *** ***** *** carbon *** ** ******* ********* in natural *** ************* right **** **** ********* ********* ** *** ********* ** ******** ********* at *** **** ** ****** ******** ******** ***** ******** ********* handling ****** just ** shippers of *** ***** ***** ***** * duty ** the extent *** ****** substance ** ***** ***** ** ******** ** of; ****** fuel ** ******* *** Administrators in **** mining *********** ***** to pay ** ******* ********* ** *** ****** ** **** mined ** *** ***** ************* managing ********* ***** ***** **** up *** ** ********** ********* *** ****** substance ** *** *** **** produce Considering the ************ ** carbon ** ***** ** ******** ***** ** empower *** *********** ** benefit about 97% ** *** ******** gas emanations *** ******* **** *** ****** ****** ** ******* ************* *** on *** ******* *** *** or ***** thousand *** ********* ******** to *** million ***** ********* *** **** ******* CO2 ***** **** ***** *** ******* 2012)A ****** tax ** discussed ***** is ****** to ********** ********** to *** ********* ********* **** ** ******* *** *** ***** unite ******* tactics to ****** **** ********* ** *** ********** *** ********** **** ** the developing nations with ****** tax ******* *** ********** and ************** ****** ** ******** *** evasion ** tax ***** ***** also ******** ******* carbon ***** ** ***** ***** *** ******* and storage ** ****** with ********** **** ************ obtainable * trusting scheme *** downriver ************* is ****** to ********** the discharge tax ******* *** ******* **** will capture *** ***** *** *** ecological ********** ********* ******** the *** from ******** *** ********** ** likely ** ***** ***** marketable *** *** ******* as **** ** **** organizations **** ***** ************ ********** *** *** emission **** (Aldy and ******* 2012)As **** ********* **** **** *** ******* ****** **** ought to build *** ******* of *** ****** **** **** This will ************ **** **** the duty via the ****** ********* motivating forces for *************** and *********** in **** ***************** innovations **** ***** CO2 ********** *** ******* ** a ****** *** ** discharge *********** *** the ******* will **** upon tax revenue and *** **** it ** ******** *** ******** * ***** ******* ** *** US ****** ******* ** ***** per ton ***** certainly ***** **** **** US$100 ******* ***** **** *** tax ******* *** **** ** ******* ** **** **** ** could ******** ********* ** ******** ********* *** ** work *** ********** along ***** lines invigorating ********* movement and ********* a portion ** ** ********** ****** ******** ***** *** ******* 2012) **** ******** *********** *********** ** *** revenue incorporates paying *** past *********** *** subsidizing ******** ****** ******** The *** ******** could ******** ** ******** ** ***** ******* ******** *** ** higher ****** costs *** remunerate ****** ******* ** ********** ****** *************** *** a ****** tax *** some ***** *********** *********** ******** tool) **** ***** *** expense of *************** energy *** antagonistically ********* energy-escalated ventures' *********** **** ********* ****** *** ***** about ******* ******** *** ecological ******** ********* *** move ******* ** ******* ******* *********** ************* ****** approaches ************ expanding ******** ** ***** *** ***** and **************** a ******* ** the natural ********** ** *** *********** **** ********* leakage" ***** ** ********* ************ ******* *** **** ******** ** *** ******** ** ********* ******* happen in nontraded ***** **** ***** ************** *** ******* ********** Notwithstanding **************** assembling businesses that ******* products contending ** ****** ******** sectors may ******** *********** ** migrate *** ******** *** ********* ************ ** ******** ***** effects (Aldy *** Pizer ********** ******** ******* *** ****** *** ********* markets **** **** with energy—as nations **** ******** ****** ******** ******** ***** utilization ** petroleum ******** *** ***** **** costs Those ******* ******* ******* ********** moderation arrangements ******** ***** utilization ** ***** ***** ******* ** *** lower prices ***** spillage ******** *** ********** ******* of *** ********* ******** ** alleviate ******** ****** ************* *** coordination ****** **** **** significant ***** ****** ******* ** energy-concentrated ********** ***** ** ********* through *********** ***** ******** ** is ******** to ******** that these ******* ******** impacts ***** **** *** *********** environment strategy ********** ** whether ****** ******* ** ***** *** ******* (Aldy *** Stavins 2012) ****** involvement ** ****** ******* ******** the force of business ******* ** ***** ******* in the *********** and *********** of ******* concentrated *********** The rise ** *** ***** in **** ******* about ****** ** the organization of ********** ******** *** automobiles **** ****** **** ************ **** ***** decreasing ***** ******** *** current ****** ****** *** Vine ******** ******* of carbon **** ******** the *** and ***** so buyers **** ****** **** ********** ******* diminishing ******* ********* from *** ozone layer *** *** ******* ********** ** * ways In *** first ***** escalating *** **** ** ************ ***** **** ******** industries ** ****** ** ************ ****** ***** include **** ****** ************** ****** ************* sources ****** ****** ******** to track down *** **** ********* ********** ** *** **** ** ****** **** ********** **** ** * loftier ********* to **** ********* **** ********** *** Therefore **** *** ************* support the expense ***** ** *** ExxonMobil **** *** ******** the *** Exxon **** * ******** ************ of ** million to **** ** *** ******* **** **** CEO shared *** word ** ****** *** *** down of emissions * ****** ****** ************ ***** ********* ******** *** ******** ** the ******** ******* ******** ****** ****** *** ********* ** 26% ***** *** ********* the economy by *** * ****** tax raises ************ income *** Congressional ****** ****** ******** that * carbon *** beginning ** $20 per *** *** expanding ** ***** per *** ** ** ***** might **** ****** *** trillion That is comparable ** the *** ****** by *** ********* ******* ******* *** ******* can ***** ********** ******* **** specialize ** ******** *** effects ** change in *** *********** ***** and ******* ******* *** ****** ** Federal ********* Management **** manages ******* harm· In **** the ** ***** Service ***** **** **** $2 ******* Battling ************** fires devoured *** ** *** ******** **** leaving ****** ** spend ** ********** management· ** **** *** ******** ***** Insurance ******* *** ******** **** billion owing debtorsSetting a **** ** carbon ********** can ***** ********** ******* decreases increase *********** *** ****** ************* *** families ** **** *** they ******** emanations It ******** **** perfect ******** *** performances *** **** **** an ********** ************ **** ************* ****** ******* ** other ************ *********** Carbon ******* growth ** other ****** **** ** hand with ************* ****** source endowment ****** are *********** ** ******** up ********** ********** ******** planning ** **** *** carefully ******** carbon ****** *** as well ********** a ******* ***** ** ********** *********** ******** and ******** ******** disparities (Mountford and ******** *********** ********** ******** ******* *** billion up in government ******** ******** ** **** The New ******* ******* tracks **** **** ************* ****** source benefaction ******* and carbon costs ***** ****** *** trillion (Mountford *** McGregor 2021)In the **** ** the ***** *********** *** *** ** ◦C Special ****** of *** IPCC every one of *** three ******* *** ******** yearning ****************** ** almost zero ****** ******* *** **** * ****** ******* should **** ************* particularly from *** low ****** ** France *** Canada ** **** ******** ******* *** ******* part ** ******** *************** **** raises ******* ***** *** ********* *********** ** ********* ********* on carbon *** ********** *** **** *********** Then again ******** ***** area's ****** ********* ************* **** require ********* ******** instruments *** ***** ******* ******** *** ***** ** *** ********** **** new ********* ******* *** *** **** ******* arrangement ********** for ******** ***** is undoubtedly carbon evaluating ** **** ***** it ** nonetheless ******** ** give explicit approach signs ** ****** carbon charge ******* Any ******** that assists with ******** *** ****** ******* is ********************** ** *** ************* ******** discovering **** ** *********** ***** *************** An ******* ***** in planning *** ****** ************ is ********** ********** the **** ****** ********** ***** ************ ***** ** the political ********* *** *** ******** to ******* carbon charges ********* *** ************ **** **** ***** ** **** ***** ***** ** esteem ** *** *********** **** ************ blends ** environment ************ **** ** *** as financial ************* *** ********* ************* regarding profound *************** and **** *** ******* ******************************** ** creating *** ******* of ****** ***** ****** ********** drives *** sanction ********* ** *** ********** ** ****** ******* ************ **** ******* **** *********** or **** In ******** ****** can ** ********** openly ** ********* through tax ********** ** ******* The revenue ***** **** ** **** *** * *********** of these ******* ***** actions *** **** ** ******** ** **** ************ ****** ** ********* congregations ******** ********** ** immediate ******* ******* ** ********** progress ****** ********** ******** *** ** * ******** ***** *** ******* ** essential ******** ReferencesAldy ** 2020 ****** *** review *** ********* ****************** an ************* ******** ** ** ******* policy Review ** Environmental ********* and *********** pp76-94Aldy JE *** ******* RN 2012 The Promise *** Problems ** Pricing ******* ****** and Experience ** ****** ***** ****** ******** ** *** ***** ** **** *** *************** ******* ** ******* ****** ********** policiesJournal ** the *********** ** Environmental *** ******** ************** *************** P ******* M and ******* T **** ****** ********* * **** ** ***** ***************************** p6280AMADEO * *** ESTEVEZ * ******* * ****** *** *** ***** ******* Change ******** The ******* ********* at: ************************************************************************************** [Accessed 16 *** *********** * 2021Rethinking ********** ******* ******** ****** Available *** *********************************************************************************** [Accessed 16 *** ************** * and ******** * ***** ****** Price *** Benefit the **** While ******** ********* ******** ***** ********* ********* ********* *** <https://wwwwriorg/insights/carbon-price-can-benefit-poor-while-reducing-emissions> [Accessed ** May ********** ** and **** DJ **** *** *********** *** *** US ******** How **** **** things ************ Macroeconomics *********** *************** ** Schwartz JA Howard ** Arrow * ********* ** *********** * *** ******* T **** The ****** **** ** carbon: * ****** **************** ** ************* ********* *** *********** ***********