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I haveattached two file along with 3 sources 2primary 1 secondary  along with my research question in the attached file.Please provide my answer

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*********** ********************** movement to cessionAbraham Lincoln ****** ******** ******* *** social events that he ********* **** ** *** ******** ******* on *** fight ** ******* ** *** ** *********** * ***** ** youths joined *** bandwagon ** ********** * vote drive *** ******* ** the ******** ******** by Lincoln *** *** ********* attraction and *** **** ** *** ************* ******** ** ********* *** taken ****** stage ** *** Republican Party ** the other **** *** **** ***** group had *********** **** ******* to ****** a force ** *** **** ****** ** help in ******** the ****** ********** ** was * ***** **** ***** ** ************* ** **** ****** *** military ****** ****** **** *** ******** **** was spearheaded ** ******* ******* ***** *** **** ***** of **** awake **** ****** ****** as *** ***** of the ******* voters ******* their ******* ***** *** ********* awareness ** the people on matters of ********* ************* The ******** *********** ***** benefited from *** Wide Awake ***** **** *** *********** ****** as a ********* ** *** ****** in *** ********* *** *** ***** *********** benefited **** *** **** ***** organization as they **** ******** of their ********* ******** ********** *** ****** ** *** public was ** improve ***** participation in ********* ******* *** ****** * ***** of ********* ***************** awareness by *** **** Awake ******** was practiced ** **** **** **** ** the **** that **** **** in ********** ********* awareness **** ******* rallies ******* ** well ** *** ****** system During debates *** ********* and republicans ***** ways ** ********** ***** ******* ** ** ******* **** an approach that *** ****** *** ** understand the ************ and the ********* ********* **** **** ******** *** ******* widened *** ***** ** ************* ** the youths *** ***** approach **** ***** ** **** by *** **** ****** ** ********* *** people on *** ********* ********** **** the ******* **** *** ********* *** *** *********** ** ensuring **** ****** is undertaken used rallies The rallies **** considered vital as **** **** **** ** ******** the political ***** ** *** ***** proving *********** in the ****** ******* ******** **** **** ********* ** ********** ******* * ******** *** **** ********* ** ******* ***** ***** ********** Through ***** ***** there was ** ************* ** *** ********* ******* and ***** ************ ** the ****** process ***** was * counteracting ************ formed ******* the ********* *** *********** ** *** ***** *** ********* clashed with *** *********** ******* ** ******** *** wild ***** ***** was ** ******* ** ******* **** ** the ******* from *** ********* of *** ****** **** ********** ** debates *** ******* *** ****** **** *** ****** showed *** ****** ** *** ******** ** *** ****** It *** *** influence ** *** **** ***** ***** that Lincoln ******** *** ********** ** **** ***** relentless ******* ********** ******* *** ********** were ********* through *** ******* Furthermore ******* *** **** ** address *** people *** elaborate *** ********* ** *** ****** ********** **** he ****** public ******* and *************** saw *** ******* ***** Movement” as ** ******* ** ********** *** South ** *** **** responding ** *********** **** *** ***** *** ******** ****** *** *** *********** *** *** movement ** * ******* ****** ** the constitution *** *********** ****** that *** ******** ***** ****** ** ****** on the ********* ******** *********** Yancey **** ******** the northern ********** ** ***** used *** *** ********* **** of the ******** *********** *** Southern ****** saw *** ******** ** ** ******* ** the north ** force ***** ideologies ** **** ******* )Yancey’s ****** *** an attempt ** ******** the cessation ****** The ***** viewed *** composition ** *** ******** as a threat ** ***** slavery ownership **** *** ****** **** ** ******** potential ******** *** ***** **** ******* ** ******* their ************** right ***** **** ********** *** movement as * direct threat to ***** territorial ***** The ***** **** ****** the political ***** ******* to ** ****** ***** **** **** *** ******** ** ******* **** ******** ** ***** ******** counterparts *** ***** *** the ******** ** * tool ** *** *** north to ***** ***** ********* ******** on the ***** Yancey **** considered **** *** ********** *** ******* in *** **** ** ********** *** ************** ****** ** *** citizensYancey ********** *** “Wide ***** Movement” ** * threat ** *** ****** ** *** ************ *** movement ******** *** ***** ******* ******* *** cessation agenda ****** ******** **** the ********** *** ****** ** ******* the South ******** *** South *** inspired to think **** *** ********** was ********** *** ************ and ******** imposing its **** ** *** sovereign ****** ****** believed **** the ******** ******** ** *** ******** ****** was ** ***** **** ****** rectification at *** **** level The ******** ****** *** ***** ******* towards *** ********* ****** *** ***** *** ****** ** ******** ****** *** ****** *** ************ Failure ** ***** would lead ** ***** ***** ** **** kept ******** ***** success instead ** *** constitutionThe ******* ********* inspired *** ***** towards ********* ********* *** ******** threats **** ****** **** *** ******* ********* ** *** ***** was **** ** * **** ** action *** South **** **** the ******** ** ** ****** predominantly ** Black *********** *********** ****** *** *** movement ** * ********** ** ***** ******** The ***** ******* *** *** ******** **** *********** ** ********* hostility ** *** ***** The ********* of *** marches to *** South ***** ** *** fears *** to *** ********* ***** close ** *** ******* ****** **** *** movement ***** easily ****** **** ** *** ******** ****** ***** for secession *** **** in the ***** *** that *** ******* election would lead ** ** ****** ** *** ***** *********** support of *** ‘wide ******** was * threat ** the ********* ** *** Southern statesThe ******** ****** saw *** *********** ** the ******* ********* ** an ***** *** ***** ******** that *** ******** was widely ****** ** thousands ** black ******* **** **** ****** *** ***** ******* *** supportive of the ********** ***** which *** * ****** ** *** Southern ****** *** south **** believed **** *** ******** was only ****** ** ** invasion **** to *** ***** *** *********** **** believed that *** ******** *** trained *** southerners ********** **** they **** not ****** armed *** **** **** ********** with the use ** ***** weaponry *********** also feared that the ***** ********** **** ***** ** attack **** **** *** *** *********** to ******* that *** ******* *** ******** ******** ******* *** **** *** ***** *** led ** ******* **** * war was brewing ******** ******* were forced to ******* their ******** *** conclude **** **** *** **** making **** ********* threats **** **** Times) *** enemy ** the ***** *** ******* ****** *** ******** ****** ***** to ****** them in the ***** The ******* ********* acted ** a call ** arms ** *** ***** *** ******** leaders responded ** *** ***** ** ******** ***** follower to ******** ************ *** war *** Southern ****** ******** **** it *** *** **** that their ******* ************ *** ********* of an ****** *** ********** *** none ** *** states *** ** ******** as *** North *** ****** *** *** ***** ******* *** ***** **** *** ***** was willing ** protect ***** ********* **** ******** ******** ******* **** encouraged resistance ** ******** **** *** ******** was **** ****** of black *********** *********** slavery ********** in ***** ************ ********** * have realized **** *** primary ******* on ********** ****** *** an accurate ********** ** *** ****** since it provided ** ***** ********* ******** to *** ****** ** the north The ******* *** also detailed ** explain *** ******** of *** ***** ** *** **** ***** ********* selected ********** ****** ** *** **** ****** article because ** *** ****** ****** *** ******** to the ********* *********** on *** ******** *** *** reacting ** *** actions Yancey’s speech is **** ***** ***** it ***** ** intemperate *** ******* ** *** ***** **** * ************** *********** Finally Yancey’s ****** is ** ideal ******* ****** ***** ** *** ********** ** the ******** ********* ******* in the ***** *** New York Times article was ******** in providing **** since it *** ***** ** unreliable *********** I ********** **** **** ** *** ******* ** the ******** **** *********** ***** comparing *** *********** ** *** secondary ****** *** source *** **** ******* ** **************** ******** ** ********* *********** ** *** ******** ********* the ****** *** a ********** ******* *** ******* *** however **** that *** South was forced ** ******** ***** ********* due to *** ****** ******* ** *** **** ***** *************************************** ************* Jon “Young *** *** ******* The Wide ****** and *********** **** ************ *********** ******** ******* ** **** **** ********* **** ***** “THE *********** **** ** *** WIDE_AWAKES at the ***** **** apprehensions” *** *** **** ***** ** Sept *********** William * ****** ****** ** ******* ** the ********** *****************************************************

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