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I hope someone can help me Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)[OSS.01]The table below shows the average distances of Venus and Earth from the sun. Venus0.72Earth1.0 What is the difference be

I hope someone can help me 

Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]The table below shows the average distances of Venus and Earth from the sun. 



What is the difference between the orbital periods of Venus and Earth?

 1.72 years 1.62 years 0.38 years 0.28 years

Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Which of these models of the solar system shows that the planets and sun travel around Earth in epicycles?

 Brahe model Kepler model Ptolemic model Copernicus model

Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]Which of these statements is correct about forces in the solar system?

 The magnitude of electromagnetic forces is greater than the magnitude of gravitational forces. The magnitude of gravitational forces is greater than the magnitude of electromagnetic forces. The magnitude of electromagnetic forces is always equal to the magnitude of reaction forces. The magnitude of gravitational forces is always equal to the magnitude of electromagnetic forces.

Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Which of these qualities most likely helped Ptolemy construct the scientific explanation of the solar system?

 originality and creativity generosity and helpfulness consideration and compassion kind-heartedness and flexibility

Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.06]Which of these most likely causes a total solar eclipse?

 the sun, moon at perigee, and Earth forming a triangle the sun, moon at apogee, and Earth forming a triangle the new moon at apogee coming between Earth and the sun along a straight line the new moon at perigee coming between Earth and the sun along a straight line

Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04]Which of these best matches a planet in the solar system with its characteristic?

 Venus → has a giant red spot Mars → has rings which extend outwards Neptune → surface contains red iron oxide Uranus → rotates almost completely on its side

Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.05]Look at the diagram below.Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. Based on the diagram, what is the season in Australia?

 summer winter spring autumn

Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]The diagram below shows four planets and their distances from the sun.Light from the sun reaches Earth in 8.3 minutes. In how many minutes does light from the sun reach Venus?

 3.24 minutes 4.25 minutes 5.98 minutes 7.58 minutes

Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.05]Look at Canada and Florida on the world map shown below.Public DomainWhich of these statements best explains why the difference between summer and winter temperatures is greater in Canada than in Florida?

 Florida is closer to the equator and receives more constant and direct rays of the sun. Florida is surrounded by lesser volume of water which keeps temperatures same throughout the year. Canada has a greater number of longitudinal lines which causes greater temperature differences. Canada receives more sunlight because it is nearer to the North Pole and tilted more towards the sun.

Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]The magnetic field of Earth was most likely created by

 moving electrical charges stationary electrical charges bar magnets inside Earth north and south poles of Earth

Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04]The chart below compares the characteristics of four objects, A, B, C, and D, discovered in the solar system.

Exists in Kupier beltyesnonoyes

Is a moon of another objectnonoyesno

Has enough gravity to keep other objects far away from its orbitnoyesyesno

Is in orbit around the sunyesyesnono

Has a long orbityesnonono

Is almost circular in shapenoyesyesyes

Which of these objects is most likely to be a meteoroid?

 Object A Object B Object C Object D

Question 12 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.03]The graph below shows the sunspot number observed between 1750 and 2000.Based on the graph, which of these statements is most likely correct about the periods 1800 to 1850 and 1900 to 1950?

 There was decrease in global temperatures. There was increase in global temperatures. There was no significant change in solar activity. There was no significant change in global climate.

Question 13 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]Which of these statements is correct about Newton's first law of motion?

 It states the meanings of motion and force. It justifies the meanings of motion and force. It explains the relationship between motion and force. It describes the relationship between motion and force.

Question 14 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.06]The diagram below shows two Earth events.Which of these statements best describes the difference between the two events shown in the diagram?

 Event 1 shows annular solar eclipse and Event 2 shows total solar eclipse. Event 2 shows annular solar eclipse and Event 1 shows total solar eclipse. Earth's shadow falls on the moon during Event 1 and the moon's shadow falls on Earth during Event 2. Earth's shadow falls on the moon during Event 2 and the moon's shadow falls on Earth during Event 1.

Question 15 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04H]The picture below shows a star map.Which of these statements best explains why East and West are labeled in reverse order on the star map?

 The rotation of Earth causes changes in the direction of stars. The revolution of Earth causes changes in the direction of planets. The star map is held over the head and observed upside down. The star map shows directions relative to the position of the North Star.

Question 16 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]The diagram below shows four objects in the solar system which have equal masses.Which of these pairs of objects exerts the least gravitational force on each other?

 Object 1 and Object 3 Object 4 and Object 3 Object 1 and Object 2 Object 4 and Object 2

Question 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]The diagram below shows three parts labeled A, B, and C, of Earth's orbit around the Sun.Public DomainWhich of these best arranges the parts of the orbit from fastest to slowest speed of Earth in them?

 C → B → A A → B → C B → C → A A → C → B

Question 18 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.03]The model below represents a nuclear reaction. Atom 1 and Atom 2 are present before the reaction and Atom 3 is produced after the reaction.Atom 1 + Atom 2 = Atom 3 + energyThe model most likely represents

 a fusion reaction in the sun a fission reaction in a nuclear power plant a nuclear reaction which takes place at low pressure a nuclear reaction which takes place at low temperature

Question 19 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.06]Tyra designed an experiment to demonstrate an annular solar eclipse. The steps of the experiment are listed below.

  • Place a light bulb on a stand.
  • Stick a pencil into a small styrofoam ball.
  • Switch on the light bulb and darken the room.
  • Stand facing the light bulb.
  • Hold the pencil with styrofoam ball very close to the eye.
  • Observe the light bulb without moving the eye and styrofoam ball.

Tyra's experiment has a flaw. Which of these statements best describes a method to correct the flaw in Tyra's experiment?

 Place the light bulb behind the observer. Clamp the styrofoam ball behind the light bulb. Move eye towards the right to observe the light bulb. Hold the styrofoam ball at arm's length from the eye.

Question 20 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04H]Which of these statements best explains why there are different star charts for the same location on Earth?

 A single star chart shows location of stars only in one direction. The North Star changes its position rapidly at the same location. Rotation and revolution of Earth causes changes in star positions. The ecliptic plane moves with respect to the stars due to planetary motion.

Question 21 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.03]The picture below shows solar flares in the sun's atmosphere.Which of these is most likely to happen as a result of the solar flare?

 Earthquakes may occur. Microwaves may not work. Volcanic eruptions may occur. Cell phone reception may not be clear.

Question 22 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]The diagram below shows the position of the sun and two galaxies, G1 and G2. The distance between the two galaxies is represented by Y.What is the value of Y in AU?

 0.33 AU 13.33 AU 133 AU 1333 AU

Question 23 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04H]The disk-shaped region around the sun that contains the orbit of each planet is called the

 celestial sphere ecliptic plane orbital path star chart

Question 24 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]What happens when gas and dust in the solar system moves closer together?

 gravitational forces change into nuclear forces gravitational forces change into electromagnetic forces the gravitational force between them increases the gravitational force between them decreases

Question 25 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.06]The diagram below shows three phases of the moon.Which of these models best represents Phase 1 of the moon in the diagram?

Question 26 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.05]Look at the four positions of Earth with respect to the sun.The Gulf of California is located on the Tropic of Cancer. At what position of Earth, will the sun be exactly overhead at the Gulf of California?

 Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4

Question 27 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Gina designed a model to show the steps in the Nebular theory of formation of planetary systems. Which of these diagrams best represents the third step of Gina's model

Question 28 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Brenda made the geocentric model shown below to represent the sun, Earth, universe, and solar system.What does the symbol for C in Brenda's diagram most likely represent?

 sun Earth universe solar system

Question 29 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.03]The venn diagram shown below compares the nuclear reactions in the sun and nuclear power plants.Which of the following best describes the process labeled P?

 production of water release of energy cooling of reacting atoms absorption of radioactive material

Question 30 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Which of these statements best explains why Galileo's model of the solar system was different from Ptolemy's model of the solar system?

 Different models help make results more reliable. Different models help find several applications of the results. Their scientific models were created at different periods in history. Their scientific interpretations were influenced by their backgrounds.

Question 31 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.03]Which of these is most likely to happen during a solar storm?

 hurricanes will flood all coastal locations electricity grids will produce surplus power GPS positioning systems will stop functioning all places on Earth will experience severe thunderstorms

Question 32 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04]The picture below shows an asteroid and a comet.Which of these statements is most likely correct about both asteroids and comets?

 They are created from space debris. They have the same number of satellites. They do not consist of ice and dust. They do not experience gravitational force.

Question 33 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.01]Which of these diagrams best represents the steps in the formation of the sun?© 2011 FLVS © 2011 FLVS © 2011 FLVS © 2011 FLVS

Question 34 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.04]Which of these best arranges the planets in the solar system in the increasing order of their period of rotation?

 Jupiter → Uranus → Mars → Mercury Mars → Venus → Earth → Mercury Neptune → Saturn → Jupiter → Uranus Uranus → Jupiter → Neptune → Saturn

Question 35 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)

[OSS.02]Earth's magnetic field is created by the

 bar magnets reaction forces gravitational forces flow of electric charges

Question 36 (Essay Worth 5 points)

[OSS.02]In your own words, explain the behavior of Earth's magnetic field in the Van Allen Radiation Belt.

Question 37 (Essay Worth 5 points)

[OSS.03] In your own words, explain the impact of the Maunder Minimum on global climate.

Question 38 (Essay Worth 5 points)

[OSS.04] A new object has been discovered in the solar system. In your own words, justify how the object can be proved to be a dwarf planet.

Question 39 (Essay Worth 5 points)

[OSS.04H]In your own words, explain how stars can be located in the night sky in the northern hemisphere.

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******** *** ****** ****** ****** The ********* ** ************* forces ** ******* than the ********* of electromagnetic ******* ************* *** compassion5 the *** **** ** perigee ****** ******* Earth and the *** along * straight ***** ****** *** ******* almost ********** on its side7 No ******** 598 ******** ** ***** moving ********** ********* ****** *** ** graph13 Describes *** relationship ******* motion *** ******* ** ********* ** ********* ** diagram17 No ********* ** ******* Hold *** styrofoam ball ** ***** ****** from the ***** ******** and ********** ** ***** causes ******* in **** *********** ** ********* No ********* ecliptic ******* ************* force between them *********** No diagram26 ** ********* ** model28 ***** No ********* Different ****** **** **** ******* **** ********** GPS *********** ******* **** **** ************* ** ********* ** diagram34 ******* *** ****** *** Mars → ********* **** ** ******** charges36 **** * ***** ** ********* charged ********* *** **** ** * ***** ****** * magnetized ****** ** the ***** * ********* **** ** formed *** ***** has two **** permanent ***** *** ********* ****** may ** *********** created **** *** ********** ** ***** *** ***** and hence *** ******* belts *** ***** ** *** *** ***** belts The main belts ****** **** ***** **** to ***** ********** ** ******** ***** the ******* ***** ****** of radiation vary Solar **** ** *** **** ****** ** *** ********* **** form *** ***** *** **** **** ****** **** They *** ***** in *** ***** region ** the Earth's ************* *** ***** contain ********* electrons *** ******* and ***** ********* **** ** alpha ********* *** *** ** plenty *** ***** **** danger ********** ***** must ******* ***** sensitive ********** **** ******** ********* ** **** ***** significant **** ** the ********* ******* *** Maunder ******* or *** ********** sunspot ******** ** *** ****** ******** ** ***** **** ** about **** **** ******** ****** **** **** ** ***** by ***** observers ** the time **** has the following effects on ****** climatea) ******* ***** ************ particularly ** *** Northern ************ Increase ** ****** ** **** ** *** land38 A dwarf ****** is * ********* ****** that is ******* a planet *** * natural ********* in **** it ** ** ****** ***** of the *** and ***** ****** *** *** ******* ** ***** itself **** * ******** ***** *** has *** ******* *** ************ of ***** ******** ****** *** ****** ***** ****** can be ************** **** planets **** * ***** ** **** ******** planetsb) *** major differentiating factor ** * ***** ****** is **** ** *** *** cleared *** neighborhood ** ***** ******** ****** *** ******* **** ** ***** ** ***** ** ******* ******* **** can ***** their **** ****** *** sun39 *** *********** ***** *** details ** particular ***** *** ***** ********** ****** and degrees ***** *** ******* **** ** peak *** ** ********** *** ****** of * ****** ******** ******** *** measured in degrees to the north ******* **** * datum ***** say *** ******** ** ********** *** ********** ** **** * planet has cleared ***** ******* ** *** area ** *** ***** ***** * ***** planet has ***

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