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i need an essay about Prorotein deficiency in malnutrition and the affects In children. Logical scientific principles5 sources / 5 articles 5 MLA citations 4 pages ( might be more I'll let you know

  • i an essay about Protein deficiency in malnutrition and the affects In children.
  • Logical scientific principles
  • 5 sources  / 5 articles
  • 5 MLA  citations
  • 4 pages ( might be more I'll let you know if needed)
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*************************************** ********** ** malnutrition and the ******* ** ******************** Rosendaal states that protein ********** ** ******** **** ******* ** ***** coagulation ****** *** have *** protein deficiencies *** ******* ** ****** **** of ****** ******** *********** ** ***** ** ********** *** has *** moderate ********** in proteins is ** *** ****** of ****** **** ***** thrombosis ***** occur ** *** **** vein ** *** extremity ****** ** ** **** ************ ****** **** *** child **** *** **** ************ ***** *** ** the ***** *** ***** ********* **** ****** as * ****** ** ******* ** ****** **** ****** for the ***** When the ***** lacks breastfeeding it ***** ********** to other infectious ******** ***** include pneumonia ******* and ******* ***** others that increases *** ******** requirements When *** ***** **** *** get ****** ******** then ** ****** *** ***** might end ** ****** kwashiorkor (WHO) *********** disorders are ******* * result of ****** **** ******* nutrients ******** ******* ********** ** ***** ** *** ************ which ***** **** ** ****** ************* **** ** *** ******** ** ******** **** comprise **** nutrition *** ************** *** over nutrition it can lead to ******* or *** becoming ********** ************ *** **** ** *** ********** ******* **** ********* ** *** **** ** ******* ** starting to ** **** in **** ********* ** *** ************** ********** ************ ** **** in refering ** ************** ************** ******** ******* growth ******* plus deficiency ** *** ********* vitamins **** minerals **** ** al ***** ** *** ** ** **** got *** ** seven ************ children **** *** *** ******* ****** ******** ** the ***** basis **** **** *** shock you **** *** ******* that *** ** *** ***** ***** ******** ***** **** the *** ********* snack ******* plus ******* ************ ** ******** don’t *** sufficient proteins it ***** result in ******* **** ******* ********* ************** *** ***** *** **** by ********* **** ****** ******* ** their ****** ******* provide vital ***** **** ***** contribute to ****** plus ******** ****** ** *** children Without ****** ********** proteins ** *** **** *** ***** ***** ********** ********* ******** **** include slow ****** fatigue ******* ************* *** ******* ******** ***** ****** ******* ********** *** result ** different diseases in ******** ** ********** ************* of protein ********** As * ****** of ********** ** protein it ***** ** ** ******** ** ******* and *********** ********* ** ****** mass; ******** of the ***** **** healing ** ****** ***** ****** *** protein deficiency ***** show ** in * ********* ****** ** ******** **** ******* For ******** ***** *** a ***** ***** *** **** * ***** to ** ****** * ******** **** **** ***** patch ** *** skin as the ****** ** a ******* **** is made as * ****** ** ******* ********** ****** et al *** A preterm infant *** ** born with **************** *** *** a high **** ** having ****** ***** ****** ** ***** ********** ** al ********* ** protein ********************* **** ** ****** ** the ********** ******** ****** ***** ******* ** *** concentrations of the ***** **** *** *** ******** ** *** ******* ******* liver *********** ******* ***** steatosis *************** **** ************** of *** **** **** hair Kwashiorkor *** ** ********** ******* swelling of extremities **** belly **** ******** *** **** ****** ** ********* ***** The ******* can be ******** **** the ***** ** ***** weaned **** *** **** ******** ****** **** to ************* ***** sources having *********** ******** ******** that have the disease ************* by ******** ** *** ***** ** a ****** ** edema are ******* **** and **** **** growth ******* are *********** to *** ********** diseases **** ***** lead to ******* diarrhea *** ***** ******* of *** ******* ******* ****** *********** ** *** **** **** ******* ******* ** the **** ****** ***** ***** ***** ** **** *** **** ** ****** *** be hidden *** ** ***** ********** ********* **** enlarged fatty liver In ******** ***** is ****** wasting ** the ******* plus *** **** fats ************* **** ** ******* ********** which *** result ** weakness *********** ** **** ** ********* ** *** ******* versus *** *** level decrease ** ******** ***** **** ****** reduction **** so ** ********** ********* ** ************ frameworks ******* ****** ********* become more ******** to ********* *** *** ******** comprise ******* ******* ** ********* ***** ************* subcutaneous fats ******* ** the ******* **** *** non-normal ****** ******* ***** *** ******* ***** ***** from *** sustained **** ******* ******** ****** **** proteins plus ********** ******** to ********* ******** ***** This *** ** **** **** we **** *** * ******** ** **** ************ ** *** food ** ****** **** of ******** *** ********* are ******* ********* ** ******* ******* ** muscles **** ******** *********** ***** *** infant having ******** ** *********** besides losing most/all ************ **** *** **** it *** got skin **** ***** as **** as the child ******* ****** ******* ***** ****** vulnerable ** *** ********* ****** **** ********** plus ********** depletion leads ** the ******* ****** ** *** *************** as **** as deterioration ** lining ** gastrointestinal tracts that ********* **** *** ********** of *** nutrients **** the ****** **** ***** ** ******* ******* ******** ********** to *** ********** If *** ******* ** *** treated ** could **** ** death *** ***** failureImpairment ** mental ****** ****** * long-term ********** in protein ***** ********* ************* *********** ** different **** This ***** speedy *** ****** interference as **** ** ****** ** tension ********* ********** plus sorrowEdema **** *** child **** *** get enough ******** ** can result ** ***** **** ***** result in ******** ** ********* ***** ** **** *** ******** ******* **** **** **** *** ******* *** **** to *** ******* of ********** stained skins ***** ****** **** hypertensionOrgans failure Protein ** *** *** ****** plus ************ ** ********* functions ** the body **** ******** *** ********* it can lead ** ******** *********** ** *** different ****** ** *** ************** In ********** ****** *********** ******** might result ** ******* ****** ************* which ******* *********** ********** ** ****** health ******** ******* of organs wasting plus shrinking ** *** ****** ******* ** **** ** ******** ** *** ****** system **** children don’t *** ****** ******** ** *** **** ** these ****** complications ***** ***** *** up ********* their wellbeing                                   Works *************** ** ** ** ********** Targetable ********** for ********* ************ Status among ************* ********* at **** ********* ******** ********* ******* Toronto *********** * *************** A ******* * ** ** *********** ************** of ******* **** in ** ****** **** congenital ******* ***** ** and **************** Cutis 2016;97(6): ************* * Bonsante * ********** C ** al **************** on *** first *** of **** *** ******* ******* in **** preterm infants ******** ** *** ******** ********* **** unit * Perinatal ********** doi:101038/jp2011137Rosendaal ** ****** thrombosis: * ************ disease *** ****** ***** **************** ** ******** * ****** * ** al ******** and *** **** ** **** **** *********** A ***** ** 45 patients with ***** ********* *********** The ******** ******* *********************** Health ************ ****** ************* ****** *********** ************

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