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I need help asking a question on my discussion board the first post I have to ask a question about is. I live in New York, where the Excelsior

I need help asking a question on my discussion board the first post I have to ask a question about is.

I live in New York, where the Excelsior Scholarship is in it's infancy; Excelsior offers free tuition to undergraduate students who meet certain criteria and income requirements. My daughter is currently attending a four year university as a freshman and is taking advantage of the Excelsior Scholarship. Being able to save money of the cost of an education is a relief for me as a single, working mother. Had the Excelsior Scholarship not been available, we would still have been able to make her education financially possible. Now, I imagine what it would be like to not be able to support my child in pursuing an education; she has no credit, she has no savings, how would she be to afford college, even the reduced cost of community college?I am a hiring manager for my company, I have first-hand experience with the expectations of even the most entry-level positions. Without a two year degree at minimum, it is unlikely that a resume will make it past our HR representatives desk. I often wonder how anyone gains the experience employers are looking for, without the education necessary to get hired. 

I believe that, at the very least, 2 years of community college should be subsidized for every American. A basic education should not be a luxury, it should be a tool that we are given the choice to use or not use. There will be people who will not take advantage of a free education, and there will be people who will give up after two years and not pursue a four degree; there will be students who will still choose to attend a four year school or private university at their own cost. The advantage to offering to all, whether it's used or not, is that it provides an opportunity for each person to achieve success and self-sustainability. For each person who receives an education that was otherwise not affordable, there is less chance that person will need to rely on public assistance. If children of educated parents are more likely to pursue an education, then we could be setting ourselves up for a powerful shift in unemployment, and poverty. The opportunity to receive a higher education removes the excuse for a person to not be successful

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