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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Alzheimers Disease. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Alzheimers Disease. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. During the year 2006, approximately twenty-seven million individuals over the world were diagnosed with AD. It is estimated that Alzheimer's will impact one in eighty-five individuals all over the world by the year 2050 (Johnson et al. 187).

While the progression of Alzheimer's disease varies amongst individuals but they are certain general symptoms. Most of the earlier symptoms of Alzheimer’s are often misinterpreted as the cause of either the increased age of the individual or an outcome of stress. During the earlier phases, the most usual symptom is the difficulty in memorizing recent events, often referred to as memory loss on a short term basis. Upon the suspicion of Alzheimer’s the diagnosis is commonly affirmed with tests that measure thinking capabilities and behavioral characteristics. These initial tests are then most commonly succeeded by a scan of the brain upon availability. Besides, in order to be definite in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, the brain tissues are needed to be examined. With the advancement of the malady, the symptom range increases from memory loss on short terms to mood swings, irritability, confusion, difficulty with language, aggression and loss of memory on longer terms. The disorder causes declination of the individual which eventually leads to withdrawal from the society as well as from the family. In a gradual manner, the body starts losing its functions and as a consequence death occurs. As each individual suffering from Alzheimer’s is distinct, it is quite difficult to ascertain or forecast the way it will impact an individual. The development period of Alzheimer’s is not known and it varies in the time duration required for the complete onset of the disease thus the disease may remain undiagnosed for several years since its earlier onset. The life expectancy on average after the diagnosis is around seven years.

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