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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on An Information-Gathering Interview to Learn about a Career. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstrac

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on An Information-Gathering Interview to Learn about a Career. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The attire would thoroughly formally comprise of the suited dress. I would prepare the answers in a way that is relevant to my work experience, my degree, and qualifications along with the updated tools and techniques that are used in business enterprises.

3. Assume you are in the middle of an employment interview for an administrative assistant's job. You've been a stay-at-home dad (or mom) for the past 10 years, but during the last 2 years, you completed an online training program with high grades. During the interview, the interviewer states, “I see you've been at home for 10 years with no real organizational experience.” Write an answer in the first person that demonstrates your ability to turn this negative perception into a positive one?

Sir, I believe we all come across situations in a midway career where we often get restricted by family commitments or other various reasons. The same happened to me, yet I did not totally stay aloof of the business world and my field related activities. I capitalized on this time by constantly staying in touch with the online world. During this phase, I also completed a two years degree program that has added a lot of substance to my credentials. Similarly, I kept myself updated with all the developments that were taking place in this particular discipline.

4. Identify at least three ethical considerations the interviewer should bear in mind, and at least three ethical considerations the interviewee should bear in mind. Next, explain why these considerations are important. Do you believe these ethical considerations are frequently violated? If so, why? If not, why not?&nbsp.

Yes, these issues are often seen from both ends. They occur so largely because of the lack of Information and professionalism regarding interview on either side. These are largely violated based on the little consideration given to the ethics of the interview at either end.&nbsp.

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