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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on In The Iron Heel,Jack London explores one possible outcome of the strong Socialist presence in the early 20th century in Ameri. Prepare this assignment

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on In The Iron Heel,Jack London explores one possible outcome of the strong Socialist presence in the early 20th century in Ameri. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Although not all of his predictions emerged later in the century, London made some critical true predictions of the events in the 20th century. This paper will highlight the fulfillment of his predictions concerning socialism in the 20th century. London wrote his book adding on to the predictions of other authors who wrote to express their views on the future prospects concerning capitalism. Capitalism got its roots in America in the last half of the 19th century. It had persisted for so long with an increasing gap between the upper class of the system and the slave class that provided labor for the capitalists. It is the time that London wrote the novel about to express the projections of events in his view. A very intriguing foreword opens the reader to the novel. The foreword contains the description of the revolution against capitalism, the system that the people described as an oligarchy. The attributes of the system resulted to unfairness in society with the upper class of the system amassing wealth while exploiting the servitude of the lower class. The people participating in the novel denoted the system with the expression of ‘iron heel’. Avis, the woman who describes the revolution, also highlights the difference that they wanted to institute in the society (London 1-3). This system is socialism. Socialism is a philosophy that suggests the cooperative commitment for people to work for the benefit of the entire society. However, one thing is evident from the manuscript: the predictions have their basis on 27th century prospects. The author predicts that any rise against capitalism would result in the war in the entire globe. Concerning this, London seemed to have earlier insights of what would result in the later years of that century. London employs the voice of Ernest to describe the revolution in detail. It is worth noting that the novel describes the event as they were until 1917. In real life, historians describe this year as the period when the Soviet Union emerged. The rise of socialism in the soviet region proved to be a challenge to the capitalism in the United States (Lye 38). The debate between socialism and capitalism ensued throughout the 20th century. However, before a full description of the fight between capitalism and socialism, London mentioned the rise of the great Germany (London 8). This brings into mind the rise of the Nazi Germany. This regime headed by Hitler rose to exercise its power in eliminating Poland and the Jewish culture. The regime bears a record of the worst form of dictatorship that existed in the 20th century. London intuitively saw the rise of this more than a decade before it happened. Fascism rise in Germany is one of the fulfillments of the predictions. The second war challenged the standing of fascism and led to the collapse of the Nazi Germany. However, it is possible that London’s predictions were applicable to a different situation. The Soviet Union rose to challenge capitalism after the Second World War and sought to exert a socialist control over the entire globe. The debate progressed to define the Cold war that persisted until the end of the 20th century. Although London was wrong about the verdict of the revolution and the war that could result from the fight between capitalism and socialism, he accurately predicted that a time would come when socialists would rise against the oppressive capitalism.

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