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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Similarities and Differences of Editorial and Illustrated Imagery. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Similarities and Differences of Editorial and Illustrated Imagery. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Similarities Differences The purpose of both editorial and illustrated imagery is to educate and enlighten reader about the matter. Both helps in making a synergy between visual and verbal work to attract readers and helps them in understanding and remembering the subject matter. (Chabris, 1995)

Both editorial and illustrated image serves as a value-added text. (Chabris, 1995)

The focus is on picture in both editorial and illustrated image.

Only certain kinds of images are suitable for both editorial and illustrated use.

Editorial type images could be simply used as pictures to support words. It may either refer to an article or a story in magazines, news, literature, advertising etc. It gives reader the viewpoint of a piece of writing in an effective manner. Whereas, illustrated images includes either comprehensive or concise explanations of the images along with headings or captions to educate readers about the subject and its significance.

Editorial image should include a specific subject matter that could demonstrate a story, news or any piece of writing.

Editorial images cannot be used for commercial, advertising, sales & promotion and for trade purposes.

An illustrated image gives a clearer view than editorial images and can be helpful for readers in understanding and interpreting the image e.g. a fully illustrated picture in anatomy book helps readers in understanding the basics of anatomy etc.

Freedom for creativity is more prominent in editorial images rather than illustrated images.


Chabris, C. F., & Kosslyn, S. M. (1995). Illustrated editorial is value-added text.

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