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I need help to expound on this. I really appreciate whoever can help.Based on the specialty area and role that you selected in W1 Assignment 4, in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page, refer

I need help to expound on this. I really appreciate whoever can help.

Based on the specialty area and role that you selected in W1 Assignment 4, in a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) create a scenario or case study to illustrate the type of organization you would expect to work in as this type of nursing professional. Include in the scenario or case study:

  • List the type of organization.(  Hospital, acute care ,cardiology unit)
  • List the type of and how many clients it serves. (adults)
  • Identify the professional fit for advanced nursing role. Nurse Practitioner
  • Implement your new nursing role in the organization.
  • Identify a board of nursing in your state (specifically the Nurse Practice Act), which would support your role in this type of organization. (Florida Board)

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points

Created a scenario or case study of the organization you expected to work in as the nursing professional.20

Illustrated the type and number of clients of organization selected for the advanced practice role.20

Implemented the fit for the chosen professional nursing role.20

Identified your State Board of Nursing and referenced Nurse Practice Act which supports role implementation.20

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. APA format was used.20



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******* **** cardiac ************************ **** ******* ******** one As * ***** practitioner I ***** ****** ** **** in ***** ***** ********** ******** ** the ***** ******* unit The organization ****** **** ** adult ******** with ******* ***** cardiac ******** The ***** conditions ******* ** **** **** of ************ ******* ***** ******** heart ****** *** heart ******* Even **** *** ****** ** **** ******** are ***** **** the ************** ** ********* acute **** to ***** patients **** *** *** ***** ******* **** ** **** ******** is nine ****** *** ** ******** **** ** *** adult ******** *** have ********* ***** cardiac ********** Notably the ******** *********** **** ***** ******** **** *** ******** **** been ********** *** *********** to **** ****** ** an *********** *** provider *** ******** ******** ** **** ************ ******* ******* procedures **** ******* ********** Stress ****** **************** echoes and cardioversions (Jaffe Babuin ***** ***** ***** ****** **** ********* *** ******** **** *** ******* condition are also ******** *********** *** ******** *** * **** **** consists ** 25 staff who are *********** for ********* **** to the patients who ***** *** ******** *** ***** Cardiac **** ********* ***** links **** ***** hospital that provide ******* ******** *** organization ****** a ********** that consists ** approximately 230000 people *** ******** operates 24 ***** ***** ******* it to ***** ****** **** ******* daily **** Acute ******* ********** *** ******* problems ****** ***** *** professional *** *** a nurse ************ is a ************* ***** ** ******** by **** *** ************* **** as ***** **** *** ***** ************ ******* ****** ********* ** ******* ** *** case ** ******** ******** *** nurse practitioner * certification exam ** used as ** **** licensure ******* Nurse practitioners in ***** **** **** ******* **** ************* to ****** **** **** *** in * ******** ** ***** ******** ************ *** *********** to the ******* ******** ***** Usually ******** ***** *** ***** ** ***** ************* *** ******* **** *** ******** pediatric and ***** ******** ******* ***** practitioners ******* ** acute **** **** also ******* Progressive **** Nursing ************* ****** ***** ************** **** *** ***** ************* ******* adequate and ******* **** ** the ******** ******* registered ****** ** *** ******* ** ** certified ** * ********** ********* ********** **** nurses **** *** basic ************ ****** *** ********** Nurse ***** ** addition ********** **** needed *** ****** *** *** ********** include **** Cardiac Arrest ********** *** ********** Pacing **** four ** **** ** this ************ **** ******* ********* ** **** to ***** patients ********* **** ******* ********** *** ******* ******** * will be *********** ** evaluating *** ************ health services for ******** **** ******* ******** Further * **** ** ***** with *** ************** ** ************* *********** as well ** providing patient *** educating **** ** safe use ** ******* ***** Moreover * **** ******* patients and ***** families **** emotional ******* ** help them ******** *** pain **** ** **** **** ******* ********* ******** *** **** ***** *** ***** ********* ** **** as ********* *** ******* ******* **** ********* *********** ***** the ******** ******* ** duty **** ******* monitoring *** ********** *** ******* *********** ****** and ****** that **** ******* ****** treatment *** **** ******* **** that * **** ********* involves ********* ********* monitoring *** ******** ********** ********** ********** ***** * **** **** prepare *** patients *** their discharge *** ****** **** i maintain * ****** ** ** ******* *********** about their ********* *** ensure **** continue with ****** their medication ******* * will ***** ** *** ********* ********** ** **** ** treatment the patient’s conditionsNotably I **** be involved ** pain *** medical management as **** ** taking safety *********** *** *** ******** Additionally I **** **** be involved ** ********** ** a rehabilitation ******* *** the patients *** their families and ****** that **** *** **** ******** ** *** ***** ** ** involved in treating *** ******** **** ** ***** *** ********* support Part **** ******* ***** ***** ** * nursing board in ** ***** ***** ******* ** **** ** this **** ** ************ ******* Board ** ******* plays * significant role in ********** ** ****** ***** as *** staff *** ***** ******* ******** with nurses ** various ************* ** ensure **** *** ****** **** ****** to *** ****** resources to efficiently ******* their ****** *** board ******* ** ******** **** the ****** *** *** ******* community in ** ******* ** ******* ******* health care *********** *** ******* ***** is responsible *** *** health **************** ********** *** ********* *** ****** health and ****** ******* Regulation *** ********* section offers *********** relating ** ******** ************ ** **** ** permit ********* **** *** ******* ***** ******* *********** ******** *** ******** ** ensure **** the ****** ** ******* **** ****** ** ******* ****** ******** *** ***** ******** *** ***** in ensuring **** nurses ** Florida meet *** ******* ************ ****** **** **** ******** ********* ** ********* * ******* **** *** ******* ***** * **** ** in * position ** *********** ******* ** ***** ** *** ************ Also the ********* **** *** ******* ***** offers **** **** me **** ******** which will allow me **** ******** decisions **** treating patients Finally *** Florida ***** will help ** **** ** ** ** ***** ***** **** ensure **** I ******* my duties effectively *** ******* the ******* standardsReferencesJaffe * * ****** L ***** Apple * * ****** ********** ** ***** ******* ******** *** ******* *** *** ************* ** the ******** College of *************** ************* * * ****** ***** **** nurse ************ ********* ******* ** * 5-year ************ ************* ******* ** Critical ********* ************** * L (2012)Nursing ******** Jones & ******** ************

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