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I need is a document containing 30-40 pre-maid treatment notes to mix and use when converting daily sessions. Just a paragraph long on each one. I’ve provided some of my own treatment notes as a guide
I need is a document containing 30-40 pre-maid treatment notes to mix and use when converting daily sessions. Just a paragraph long on each one. I’ve provided some of my own treatment notes as a guide.
Thank you!
Documents attached:
· Guidelines (for treatment notes)
· Target Goals (one of my client’s)
· Sample notes of my own (ref)
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- 171 orders completed
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*********** ****** for ********** for ****** *** * fruitful session ***** *** ****** learned *** **** ways ********* *** ********** to *** **** ****** *** **** ** **** **** able to **** ***** *** ******** *** best **** *** ****** could *** for **** ** *** **** *********** ****** *** client *********** **** they ***** ***** best strategies ** seek help ********* on the **** ** *********** they are ************** Gaining AttentionExcuse **** was *** ***** meeting and ** ****** ******** **** *** ****** to ******* strategies for gaining and ********* the ********* of *** ****** **** would like ** ******* *** **** ****** we developed *** ***** most ******* was **** *** ********** **** * ****** ** ***** ***** they *** ********* ** not there are **** ******* **** will ****** ****** *** ** ** *** ****** *** **** ******* their ********** ********* ** ***** ************* ********* ***************** ******** matching ****** **** ********* follow * hierarchy **** *** most ******** and ********** matching ********** ***** ********* objects ************ *** actual bird *** *** ** used *** most ******** *** ********** ******** ********** **** ** ***** ** ************ ******** ******** *** ****** ***** connect *** physical objects bird *** *** **** ****** represented ** ******* ********** Choice-MakingProximal ********* **** *** ** *** best **** to encourage ******** ***** ******* ******** oneself ** *** client *** client understands **** proximal ******** is *** ***** **** we ***** at one another ****** the ******* At ***** * made ** ****** *** *** client to point *** things ***** by **** ** ******** ** ******* things that **** * ****** ******* ********* Following ****** ******** **************** MeSit ********* ******* ****** ** the ****** rather **** ****** *** ****** question *** instance ***** me **** down and 'stand *** The ****** ******* to *** ******** ******** ***** ********* ***** ** *** ****** *** ******* *** fun ***** *** ****** ******* simple ********** ******** *** adhered ** **** ** *** same time *** ****** *** ******** **** ** ******* *** ************ ********** ******* ** *********** to ********** **** ******* *** client ****** to ********** **** ** ****** ************* *** ********** of ***** **** which * accompanied **** * friendly conversation which **** the session **** social *** client also learns ********* ********** when they ** *** feel **** ********** ** name by ******** saying * **** ***** you *** * ******** Gross ***** ImitationFlying PlaneRoll CarPound ************ **** *** BellyI *** the ****** ******* ** *** ******* ******* ** *** **** *** ****** the ****** ******* ****** a plane ******* * *** ******** play-doh *** ****** ** iron ***** ***** *** ******* *** quite *********** *** *** client ******* *** ******* by giving ************ *** ****** also accepted correction whenever **** ******* *** the ***** ************** *********** ***************************************************************************** with *********** ******** learned **** ***** the ******* of the ******** within various ************ including *** ****** classroom *** home We ********** alternate **** ********** behaviour **** ******** *** maladaptive **** ** ***** ****** **** session not ** ***** **** *** point ** ********* which ** ********* was a wrong ******* ***************** **** ** ******* ****** ***** *** ******* is ***** ***** *** another ** **** ******* out **** **** ******* techniques that *** ****** can *** ** real-life situations I **** gave *** clients plenty ** ****** ******** **** ***** ** ***** ********* helpful ***** with ** ***** *** me 10 ************ *************** *** ************* ******* ******* ** *** *** about ********* ** discussed following ****** ************ *** understanding and ***** ***** ***** ********* ************ ** **** *** ********** between *** **** ** *** ** pee ** **** discussed how to use ********* *** ****** *********** *********** ** ********* different ****** and what colours real **** ** human ****** *** ** * **** ** ************* ** ****** about ******* ******** *** green *** **** ******** **** *** ****** ** agreed ***** colors **** **** ****** all ***** ****** *** ** produced by ********** ****** the ****** red ***** and blue ** ******* *********** DepressionWe ********* ********** ***** **** ** ******* ** is ** essential topic ** ***** **** We ********* ******* ********** used ** ******** ********** ***** ********* people ******** **** the ****** ** ********* ***** ***** ** Depression ** the *** ** *** ******* the client *********** the ********** of ******* ***** of ********** *** ***** ** avoiding ****** Boosting ************** client ***** ** ******* ******* ********* *********** ** ********* various ****** regarding *********** *** concluded that ******** *************** ******* ***** will **** ******* **** ****** ******* ******* do ****** ************* **** **** them **** ******* *** strong 14 ****************** ** an ********* ***** ***** ****** ********* *** previous ******** **** the ****** ********* ********** and self-esteem ** *** more *********** to ******* **** ********* today **** ** *** different aspects ** ********* that we ******* with the ****** ****** relationships ********* emotional psychological ******** and ************ We ********* the ******* **** ** ** ********* to consider all ******* ** self-care to live ************ ** this ********** ******************* beliefsIn ******* session the ***** ***** **** ** ************* spirituality *** client ******** ** *** *** ** ****** ***** much more **** that *** ****** ********* *********** **** God ** ********* to *** *** ********* his ******* *** ********** **** *** *********** thoughts * helped him ********** **** it is ****** ** question *** ****** ** ***** ********** **** imageDuring **** ******* ** ********* *** ********** ** body ***** * ******** or ********* **** ***** *** ********** ** *** *********** and cause ********** anxiety ** ******* cases ** can ********* **** ***** ********** ********* *** ****** and * promised ****** to maintain a positive **** image 17 *********** today's session *** ****** ****** **** ** ****** ***** jealousy ** some ***** *** **** *** understand *** ******* ****** ** * ******** *** ****** **** jealousy is ** often ************ ******* ** ********** ***** * potential **** or inequity ** ************ ********* ** is ****** *** ****** to ********** ******** occasionally; however extreme cases ********* **** ***** daily ******** **** swingsMy client ***** ******** ******* ********* The ****** ******** **** usually happens to *** but *** *** like ** *** ****** finds himself ***** ** ********* some ways **** could ********** to *** ********* *** ******* ** *** ** *** improve ** * ******** the client **** **** ****** are ***** ******* ** one's ********* ***** ***** *** ***** as * ******** ** ************* ** environment * ****** ** a ******** ** ****** ****** condition ** for no ******** ********** **** *** ******* ************ client reported ****** ******* ** ***** ******* ******** ********* ** *** **** ***** * ********* **** ********** ** thought ******** ******* would **** *** ***** ******* it **** ****** worse The ****** *** **** * victim of ******* ********* ***** he ********** ****** ******* ***** ** ********* with *** client ** go *** health checkups first before ** ***** continue **** *** *********** SuicideDuring ******* ******* ** was all ***** ******* Why ** ****** ****** ******** **** ******* ********** ** ******** *** *** ** *** prevent ******* *** ****** said he *** witnessed ******* ******* ***** in his ************ We ********* ******** ****** and ********* ***** *** ****** shared with me 21 ************ ****** ******** to ****** ********** ********* *** ** *** never * good feeling We ********* possible ****** ********* in ********* *** various **** to handle ********* ********* we ********* **** *** ****** **** ********* ** ********* * part ** life; **** ***** ** ********* may ** **** challenging ** **** **** **** ********** ************* ******* more about *********** ****** **** session ***** ********** ********* ** *** previous ******* Consequently ** this ******* we ********* **** *** client **** *********** is * ********* ******** to *** ** ** feelings of anger ** ********** ****** * ****** *** has committed * wrong ** *** ***** **** *** one who has **** wronged release *** ******** emotions *** ******* * ***** ** peace ** **** promised ** ******* those who ***** ****** ************** ** *********** ** ******* people ** ********* ****** ** social **** *** ****** admitted ****** *** * ******** **** a ****** ***** ** *** *** like ** ********* ******* **** ** ****** ******** *** possible ******* **** **** to ************ Money *** ********* problemsDuring **** session *** ****** admits that ** ****** feels ******** ******** ** **** *** have ***** or *** ********* issues * ********* *** to ****** ************* stress **** *** ***** ******** proper ********* ********** *** ****** ******** to follow *** ************ I **** *** *** ** the best ********* manager 25 ****** and **** ************** disorders ****** **** ********* ************ to **** spirals *** of ******* **** ***** ******** in *** sorts ** **** Some ****** overeat **** *** *** ****** *** ****** ******** with *** ******** *** of eating ** ********* **** *** ****** ** **** ***** **** ** *** nutrition ****** **** ******* The ****** **** *********** the importance ** ****** ******* ***** ** a ******* ***** ******** today's ******* ** ********* with *** ****** **** ******** *** uncertainty ***** **** ** trust *** *** much It ** *** ****** ***** **** trust ** appropriate People make ******* ***** **** *** *** **** ** ***** ***** *** ** *** more ******* ** ***** ** **** ***** than ********** ******** *********** client ******** to ****** experienced ******** violence ***** ** **** are ****** and ******** ***** *** ****** ** still affected *** ** ********* ******* ********** **** the ****** *** *** to **** *** ******** The client also ******** **** domestic violence is ********* ******** ****** ** **** ****** Learning ****************** **** session the ****** ******** ** ****** *** * ******* of ****** **** ******** ************ ** discussed ******** causes and concluded **** ******** ************ ***** *** be ****** their ******* *** impact ** ************ performance ********** ***** ************ in *** ********* *** ************* *** daily **** The session *** *** and *** ****** admitted ** having ******* ********* **** *********** Oppositional *** ******* *********** ************ ******* ******** is * ********* **** applies ** **** *********** aggressive ***** ** defiant ****** ** ********* some ** *** issues **** **** ** such ********* *** ******** ********* during **** ******* ** ********* ******* **** to detect **** ********** *** *** ** handle ********* ************** Obsessions *** ************* discussed **** ********** *** ********** ******** thoughts about * specific topic ****** **** ******* Compulsions *** repetitive ********* ** mental **** **** one ***** compelled ** ******* ****** ********* with ******************** ******** often *** *** compulsions ** ******** ** their ********** The ****** **** ******** **** ** had *** such ************ ** **** ** *** ***** he was ********* ******* **** *** ******** could collapse **** **** *** **** stressed 31 Workplace IssuesThe ****** ****** ** know more about ********* temperaments ** *** ********* *** *** ** ***** **** with **** ****** ** *** * *** ****** ******* ***** *** ****** ***** **** *** character **** *** even siblings after *** ********** * ******** ** ****** ****** a great ***** **** **** **** *** ***** conflict **** ****** with ********* **************** ********************** ********* * tendency to react ** stimuli ******* *** ******* much thought ****** this ******* *** client ******** ** having *** **** an ********** * discussed **** *** various ******** related ** *********** *** ******** ********** *** ****** **** **** he would **** ** *** ******** *** limit *** negative ******* ** *************