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I need some assistance with these assignment. analysis of why you do the things you do by clinton and sibcys Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. analysis of why you do the things you do by clinton and sibcys Thank you in advance for the help! There are four main relations discussed in this book that enlightens the readers to know more about these relation’s origin and how the actions that come in with each relation are imposed on the receiver being dealt with. The book gives us a deep insight as to how people can learn to give love and respect to others and in return receive a better response. When one delivers better they tend to receive even better.

The relations that are discussed are the relations with spouse, the relation with children, the relation with one’s close friends and lastly the relation with God. These relations are the most important ones in every human life. These relations are the basis on which the entire world of an individual depends upon.

The most expectation one can expect is from these relations. Especially with the relation of God one expects a lot and always wants to be loved by their Lord so that all their matters run in perspective and no problems are faced.

The core element that has been discussed as to why to we do the things the way we do is because of the way we are brought up. The surroundings and environment that have been given to the child by his or her parents design the personality of the child and accordingly, they start behaving or perceiving the things according to the perspective they have developed from their childhood environment.

Desire to bring healthy changes in relationships is required by almost everyone. Every human looks for ways in which healthy changes can be implemented. The authors of the book emphasize this fact that if one wants to make the changes in their relationships they must know in a crystal clear way that in the first and foremost aspect what do they want to do? then only the proper changes can come about in the relationship.

The child’s bonding process is the ultimate reason as to why people behave the way they do. The nourishment and conditioning which the child receives in their childhood have a long term impact in the future.&nbsp.&nbsp.

The basis of dealing with all other relations just depends on this one relation of conditioning.

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