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I need some assistance with these assignment. are microbes good or bad Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. are microbes good or bad Thank you in advance for the help! Our body was considered to be perfect as it is able to determine if we are hungry or thirsty, tired or sprightly, sick or healthy. In the case of illness, our organism was thought to be able to struggle with the disease itself and without medicines. The scientists were sure that our immune system is able to defend any microbe that tries to attack our body. Literature was full of controversial opinions in relation to the possible usefulness or harmfulness of bacteria. There often appears an issue of the possible positive influence of hygiene and sanitation on the significant decrease of most infections (Microbes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly). But at the same time, it is stated that bacteria can really fight and prevent many diseases. It should still be acknowledged that the need for hygiene is relevant, for many infections are not yet dead in the community, and thus need close attention and control. In addition, a number of new infections have recently appeared, which means that the human immune system is not ready for them, and this is the most vulnerable and open (Madigan & Martinko, 2006). The purpose of the work is to find out, whether bacteria are really harmful and beneficial at the same time.

Modern investigations testify that our organism is, unfortunately, is far from ideal in terms of defending diseases. Many studies proved that our organism represents a kind of ecosystem full of bacteria, which live first of all in our intestines. Lots of bacteria can be also found in our mouth, skin, genital organs. What is more, a great number of the cells of the human body are not human, they are bacteria cells. It should be noticed that these cells are not dangerous, they are rather helpful (Microbes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly).

It is no need to remind people that we are living among trillions of microbes and many of them live in our organism. We can’t see them with the unaided eye.

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