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I need some assistance with these assignment. arguments for assisted suicide Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. arguments for assisted suicide Thank you in advance for the help! This becomes a less volatile terminology that can be discussed on terms that do not suggest sin, mental instability, and can call into question policies of illegality. A definition of voluntary euthanasia is that it “takes place when a patient who is dying or who is in intolerable pain asks someone to help him or her to die to avoid any further suffering” (Cleave, 2001, p. 22). Most cultures, including the Western culture, is very linguistically affected by how different terminologies are used to define a topic. However, the word euthanasia is more often associated with the act of putting down an animal, so therefore that term is also not sufficient for the discussion. Suicide and Culture The event in question concerns helping someone who for one reason or another has decided to end their life. The most basic reason for suicide, that an individual is miserable and decides to end a life that has become unbearable purely for reasons that are based upon how they feel within their life, is a type of suicide that cannot be socially supported in Western cultures. According to Barnes, Golden, and Peterson (2010), men complete suicide more often than women, Montana has a higher rate of suicide over New Jersey, and people in the Eastern European country of Belarus have a higher rate of suicide than the United States. China, on the other hand, has a much higher rate of completed suicide by women than men. Culture is highly relevant to the rate of suicide and more importantly, 60% of all suicides are attributed to depression.

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