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I need some assistance with these assignment. classroom philosophy Thank you in advance for the help!
I need some assistance with these assignment. classroom philosophy Thank you in advance for the help! Philosophy philosophy is a management premise that is applied in the running es in school settings. It is used to formulate methods that contribute to ensure that discipline and productivity of students. Teachers, who develop practical methodologies based on tested concepts, are more likely to post better results in terms of students’ performance and discipline, in class and school. It is advisable for teachers to develop these management philosophies before the start of the school calendar so that the teacher can have time to reflect on the plan before implementation. Once the school calendar begins, students should be introduced to the teacher’s philosophy immediately to them time to orient with the changes if any have taken place. Teachers use classroom philosophy to develop management techniques in how to organize students and learning materials to enable effective and efficient learning. The aim of this discussion is to create a personal philosophy of classroom management aimed at improving the teaching practice and its goals.
As a first time teacher or an experienced teacher, the start of a new school calendar, every teacher is faced with the aspect of meeting new students. The teacher is presented with the aspect of dealing with different personalities and attitudes apart from those they were used to in the preceding classes. A teacher should ensure that she makes it clear to the students of what is expected from them, and what the teacher needs to achieve this goal. The best way to go about this, is establishing a rapport with all the students if possible, and the best way to do this is through effective communication (Wong & Wong 128). According to Wong & Wong, this enables the teacher to be able set up ground rules in the classroom.
Teachers should set out guidelines set in the ground rules on how to handle matters like indiscipline and misbehavior. When students are left in doubt of the teacher’s ability to carry out punishments in the event of indiscipline (DePalma 64), the authority structure is broken down. DePalma believes if the students suspect that the teacher is incapable of carrying out punishments for wrongful behavior. there will be a break down in authority and chances of truancy are increased. The best way to prevent this is to dispense the prescribed mode of punishment required for each wrongful deed committed. Teachers should strive to ensure that there is no breakdown in authority in their classrooms because it easier to maintain and enforce discipline than instilling it afresh. Non-verbal ways of communication can be used by a teacher as a method of reprimanding slight misdemeanors in class. Walking around the classroom while teaching can effectively stop behaviors like noisemaking and increase attention in class (Kasachkoff 201).
To ensure total involvement of the students in class, the teacher can ask their students to give suggestions on what they expect from their syllabus and what interests them in class. The teacher can then use some of these suggestions to include in their teaching curricula (Shaw, 21). This helps keep the students engaged and interested in class, which reduces incidences of indiscipline and misbehavior. I believe that discipline is the source of all success in life, and I aim to instill the same belief in all my students. With proper discipline, students are able to perform better academically and in other areas of their life in family, sports and relationships with one another. By making students realize that being disciplined in and outside class improves their lives, a teacher is able to practice a more fulfilling teaching career.
Works Cited.
DePalma, R. Language Use in the Two-Way Classroom: Lessons from a Spanish-English Bilingual Kindergarten. Multilingual Matters. 2010. Print.
Kasachkoff, T. Teaching Philosophy: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Suggestions. Rowman Littlefield. 2004. Print.
Shaw, R. Philosophy in the Classroom: Improving Your Pupils Thinking Skills and Motivating Them to Learn. Illustrated Edition. London: Routledge. 2008. Print.
Wong, H. K. & Wong, R. T. The first days of school: how to be an effective teacher. 4Th Reprint Edition. Pennsylvania State University. 2009. Print.