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I need some assistance with these assignment. engish language- discourse in action Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. engish language- discourse in action Thank you in advance for the help! Us” (Text C) which use simple imperative forms of the verb “join.” There can be no ambiguity in the urge to follow this instruction, but Text C supplements the bare command with the use of the inclusive pronoun “us”, and the supplementary heading “Get involved.” The difference here is one of emphasis, whereby Text L stresses the recognition factor of its party name “Labour” and Text C stresses the element of belonging to a group. The connotations are political for Text L and personal for Text C, which indeed reflects the philosophy of collective and historic activism on the left, and individualism on the right.

The most obvious linguistic difference between the two texts is the register of the preliminary introduction . Text L has an informal style, starting with an open question “Do you feel the same way we do about the kind of Britain you want to live in?” The question addresses the reader directly and suggests implicitly that a “yes” response is required. The next paragraph consists of three phrases separated by semi-colons and arranged as if they were a sentence unit. There is no main verb in this unit, however, and so it does not qualify as a proper sentence. This style is reminiscent of spoken language, where less attention is paid to the rules of formal grammar. The intention here is no doubt to make the process of joining the Labour party appear to be a casual, everyday event, which does not require any deep thought or special preparation. These three follow-up phrases make use of the rhetorical device of repetition, in a sequence: “A Britain where there is….

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