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I need some assistance with these assignment. healing hospital Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. healing hospital Thank you in advance for the help! A healing atmosphere should be free from loud noise, long hall ways and machines producing sounds. Patients who are healing require substantial sleep for their bodies to restore most of its tissues (OBrien, 2011).

A healing hospital should integrate its work plan and know-how. The work plans should be structured in such a way that a worker is comfortable by his/her timetable. Technology should be used to promote quick recovery from ailments. A clear example is the use of latest digital radiology in treating growth patients. A clearly laid design makes worker work competently.

A healing hospice should provide a culture of care and love to its patient and stakeholders. Individuals who are dedicated to giving a reliable healing environment are crucial for the success of a healing hospital. Patients get well quickly when they feel loved and cared for. A healing hospital without the care and love showed by its health personnel to its patient are not a healing hospital (Young & Koopsen, 2005).

Employees working at a healing hospital are trained to be spiritual in their daily activities, in the hospital. Spirituality acknowledges the being of supreme beings. In healing hospitals, there is the use of touch pads engraved with spiritual words like ’God Heals’. Healing intentions of a healing hospital are constantly taught and parties like religious sessions allowed in the healing program for patients. Spirituality and healing are identifiable, since they both serve the purpose of healing ailments and individual.

In glow to the barriers and hardships of a healing hospice environment, there are challenges which arise in its creation (Young & Koopsen, 2005). The challenges of coming up with a healing hospital are rigidness, physical environment and meeting customer objectives.

A potent healing environment is hindered by the inability to pardon and forget.

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