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I need some assistance with these assignment. lyme disease Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. lyme disease Thank you in advance for the help! These may increase the chances of a person coming into contact with ticks (Nih.gov, 2011). Clinical manifestations of Lyme disease The symptoms of Lyme disease often affect the skin the nervous system, the heart, as well as joints. As it was in earlier years, extra-coetaneous symptoms are not as prevalent today (Wormser, 2006).&nbsp.According to Nih.gov (2011) and Webmd.com (2005), the symptoms of early localized Lyme disease, the first stage of Lyme disease, set off weeks or days subsequent to infection. The symptoms, which bear a resemblance to those of flu infection, include: body-wide itching, headache, fever, stiff neck, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, general ill-feeling, fainting/light-headedness, and chills. A big extensive skin rash, a flat or somewhat raised red spot generally with a clear mark in the middle may as well be noticeable at the tick bite region as shown below: Source: Webmd.com (2005). It is important to note that the symptoms of Lyme disease may appear and then vanish and if one fails to seek treatment, the disease can extend to the joints, brain, and heart. During the second stage of the disease, symptoms include feebleness or paralysis of face muscles, heart problems like palpitations, pain/swelling in the knees and other large joints, and muscle pain. These symptoms can be observed weeks or even months from the time when the one experienced the initial tick bite. Muscle and joint pain, weakness of the muscles, abnormal muscle movement, speech problems, numbness and tingling are some of the most common symptoms of late disseminated Lyme disease, the third stage of the disease.

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