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I need some assistance with these assignment. mark driscoll: article review Thank you in advance for the help!
I need some assistance with these assignment. mark driscoll: article review Thank you in advance for the help! Mark Driscoll: Article Review Mark Driscoll: Article Review Introduction This paper is aimed to analyse the article which is a section of the by Mark Driscoll. It contains the biblical aspects of Creation and its contrary ideas. This paper is focused on explicating the ideas about Creation which are addressed in this article. Beliefs of Creation There is a significant belief about the creation which holds that the universe has been created through a number of natural processes. These natural processes have been underlined by with the concept of causality, and this causal processes and creation has been guided by God. God has also created two humans as the representatives of whole human race. These representatives are literal and they are known as Adam and Eve from which the human race has been started to be derived. This belief is entirely biblical and does make a complete sense to a Christian mind. However, this article has contributed most in the understanding of the difference that exists in the biblical belief of creation. The complexities and differences in those complexities have led to hatch the differences in the basic biblical belief which are in six distinct types. The article signifies the essential difference in the form of literal and figurative understanding of the verses. The linguistic attention towards literal meanings and neglecting the metaphorical uses has formulated differences in opinions whereas on some points the metaphorical understandings of the verses contributed to the six distinct biblical beliefs regarding the creation. From historic view to science and from the theological views to science, this article has explicated every aspect of biblical beliefs of creation by which the grasp over the debate on Creation has been widened with a critical understanding (Driscoll 2010). Meaning of Genesis: Literal The succession of days is clearly identified with the numbering of days which has been explicated in Genesis. The conception of Sabbath day as the seventh day after the work of creation which was completed in six days illuminates the idea that the Genesis has to be explicating the creation in six days in a literal sense. It has been stated in Genesis that each day was explicitly comprised of a morning and an evening which even more illuminates the literal sense of the explication. The statements of the verses and its analysis provide a more vivid sight on the literal emphasis of the days however the debate of six days being literal or figurative is ongoing. The most significant factor that captivates the cognition towards its factual sense is the succession of days which is outspokenly present in Genesis. In the end of all days, God breathed the life of breath in Adam makes a cognizing human belief that the days in Genesis are meant to be literal by God about Him creating everything in existence (Driscoll 2010). Age of Universe The age of the universe has been identified by many Christians to be from the first day of the creation. According to Genesis, the universe was created on the first day of the six creational days. This simple account avoids the argument of the accurate age of the universe however there are many contemporary and ancient Christians who are more prone towards the belief that God is the creator of the world and they completely ignores the debate of six days of creation. Whereas, the age of the universe can be identified by the verses of Genesis as Archbishop James Ussher has identified. According to Ussher the creation of the universe is dated on 4004 B.C. This specific notation of the date has been derived from the biblical genealogies. The concept of six creational days mentioned in Genesis is significantly associated with the old-earth view because the first day of the six is the day of creation of Universe that holds the old-earth view to be valid (Driscoll 2010). Evolution and Bible The concept of evolution illuminates that the process of creation was contained with evolutionary methods. There are two types of evolutions in which one if the evolution on the micro level and the other is the macro evolution. Macro evolution proposes that the species can be transformed by the passage of a long time span into new specie whereas the micro evolution holds that the evolution occurs within specie in accordance with its habitat. The biblical interpretation of the theory of evolution is entailed with only the micro evolution. It has been identified as the goodness and mercy of God Who has provided the capability of adaptation to all of the species which helps them to survive in any environment. However, there are no biblical evidences found regarding the conception of macro evolution. The Darwin’s account of evolution has created the possibility for the denial of biblical authority in the domain of creation which illuminates the significance of this topic for the Christians. The macro evolution theory provides an atheist possibility on intellectual grounds. The key issues that are required in the discussion of this topic include the biblical account of creation via evolutionary processes under the authority of God and its association with mercy and Goodness of God (Driscoll 2010). Conclusion This paper has explicated the discussed ideas of Creation in the light of bible and biblical genealogies. The critical aspects of Creation and its significance have also been discussed in this paper under the shade of bible. Reference Driscoll, Mark. "What are the various Christian views of Creation?" In Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe, by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears, 89-104. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010.