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I need some assistance with these assignment. reflective analysis Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. reflective analysis Thank you in advance for the help! This topic examines the importance of creating policies that enable the increasing of the capacity of existing labor force within the organization in line with the organization’s business needs. This thereby ensures that there is overall capacity to achieve set short and long-term goals and objectives. To establish this, the topic targets the issues affecting individuals’ place and meaning within the firm. How does the firm treat its members? Are the members satisfied by their current job? Are the efforts and interests of the members streamlined with those of the organizations? What is the impact where there is a mismatch and conflict between these two forces i.e. the individual and the organization? The topic draws from module studies under employee dignity, employee branding at work and talent management processes and programme development. Models in talent management will especially be useful in the arguments herein due to my perceived strong linkage between the module of employee dignity and branding at work (which is a representative association of employee and work performance). The models that I have focused on in addition to those in the, class modules are the Job Competency Assessment model (JAC) and the ‘high impact talent management’ model.

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