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I need these two questions answered for each chapter. Chapter 13,14,15. Here is the link to my book: https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction Part One What are the 3 most important t

I need these two questions answered for each chapter. Chapter 13,14,15.

Here is the link to my book: https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction

Part One

What are the 3 most important things (Can be a law, a person, an event) that changed the meaning of freedom by limiting or expanding rights and liberties in this chapter. Briefly explain why you think it expands or limits rights, or both.  

Part Two

Name and briefly define 3 important events, themes, persons, groups, or concepts introduced in this chapter that impact us today. (Positively or negatively) Explain how.


Part One

  1. Write your answer in complete sentences.
  2. Write your answer in complete sentences.
  3. Write your answer in complete sentences.

Part Two

  1. Write your answer in complete sentences.
  2. Write your answer in complete sentences.
  3. Write your answer in complete sentences.
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