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I require help with answering the following: What were the global implications of World War I?

I require help with answering the following:

What were the global implications of World War I?

1.     Each of the following fictional quotes represents a reaction to World War I and the Treaty of Versailles.  Read each quote carefully and try to identify which country or group of people might have said it and what impact this reaction might have on the future.

Arabs                                     India                           Africa                                     Italy    

Palestinians                            Jews                            China                                    Germany        

United States                         Russia                        Japan                                     Turkey                                   

"$30 billion dollars in reparations?  Are you crazy?  You have not heard the last of us."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"We helped the Allies against the Central Powers and now they make us mandates of European powers.  This is unacceptable.  After the fall of our "sick man of Europe" empire we deserve our independence."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"Our great losses in the war led to revolution in our country.  We withdrew from the war and signed a separate treaty with Germany. As a result, we lost a lot of land and entered into a civil war."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"We fought with our colonial "mother" country, Great Britain, in the war and they promised us greater self-government in return, but we got nothing in return. Instead, we are still the "Jewel of the Crown."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"More than one million of us fought on behalf of our various colonial rulers: both the Allies and Central Powers. We hoped our service would lead to more rights and opportunities, but this was not the case.  I guess self-determination was not meant to apply to us."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"We were able to emerge as an independent nation after World War I, unlike our neighbors in the Middle East. Our leader, Ataturk, set us on a path of modernization and westernization."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"During the War, the Allies made promises to us for our own kingdom in the Middle 

East, but they also issued the Balfour Declaration which advocated the creation of a homeland for this other group of people."

Who said it? What other group are they talking about?

What's the possible impact?

"During the war, our neighbor, Japan issued the Twenty-One Demands, a list of demands that sought to make us a Japanese protectorate.  Then at the Paris Peace Treaty, the Allies gave Japan control of some former German possessions in our country.  We really got a bad deal." 

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"While the western powers were busy with their Great War, we continued our expansion into East Asia."  

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"We were promised large pieces of our northern neighbor, the Austrian empire, in return for switching sides and joining the Allies.  In reality, we received very little.  We were betrayed by the Allies."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

"As a result of the war, even though we are a relatively new country, we were considered one of the world's biggest powers.  However, even though it was our president's idea, we never joined the League of Nations and became more isolationists."

Who said it?

What's the possible impact?

What conclusions can you make about the global effects of World War I and the Treaty of Versailles?

The Global Effect of World War I

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