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I Solve I mpor tant Pr oblems? D oes T he Value vs. Competitive Alter natives Justify Change?
I Solve I mpor tant Pr oblems? D oes T he Value vs. Competitive Alter natives Justify Change? Quantify total cost of adoption/ sw itching vs. cur r ent methods or alter natives for each tar get segment I s it w or th it to a customer ? Consider the cultur al issues that ar e bar r ier s to change! H ow M any Customer s & What Will T hey Pay? What w ill it tak e to gener ate w or dof-mouth and "br and" aw ar eness? What k ind of distr ibution model does the business model r equir e? What suppor t w ill customer s need to evaluate and use the pr oduct? Why w ill solving this pr oblem be impor tant to mor e customer s over time? What w ill customer s be w illing to pay & w hat ar e the implications for your business model? Wr it e down your init ial mar ket hypot heses Where are you on this curve? Where is your target segment on this curve? H ow do I get them to talk to me?