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I will pay 50.00 for the following case studyUnit III Case StudyFor this assignment, read the case study, “Acorn Industries” starting on page 180 of your textbook. Once you have read and reviewed

I will pay 50.00 for the following case study

Unit III Case Study

For this assignment, read the case study, “Acorn Industries” starting on page 180 of your textbook. Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions with thorough explanations and well-supported rationale.

  • Looking at the historical organizational changes of Acorn industries, describe how you would organize the business now for greater effectiveness. Include a new (updated) organizational chart, and explain your rationale for making these changes.
  • Explain the risks associated with your new organizational structure on the overall organization and the effectiveness of a project management system, including discussion around project scope and structure.
  • Describe the Key Management Incentive Program (KMIP) and how it would be impacted by your new organizational structure. Address any challenges that might arise with the implementation of the new organizational structure.
  • Describe how changes in organizational structure and scope might impact the overall project management process at Acorn.

Your case study response should be at least two pages in length and follow APA guidelines. References should include your textbook plus a minimum of one additional credible source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA style.


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