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I will pay for the following article Analysis and evaluation of the three different movies: Men with Guns, The Official Story, The Judge and the General. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five s

I will pay for the following article Analysis and evaluation of the three different movies: Men with Guns, The Official Story, The Judge and the General. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. This innocent perspective is what makes Fuentes, as well as the audience, understand what is going on in the environment displayed in the movie. The character of the army deserter joins Fuentes and the boy, and he is used to enhance the image of the brutality of the various armed groups. It is said that this deserter could no longer bear to be a part of torture and murder that were being committed by the military, and this led to his desertion. In addition, another character that joins this small group is that of a priest who is guilt ridden. This priest can be said to be a representation of the Church in the country where the movie is set. When one considers the atrocities being committed by the armed groups, it shows that the Church in this country has failed in its duty of maintaining peace among the people, through uniting them in a common belief. Therefore, this can be the reason why the priest left his duties in the first place because he felt that he could no longer perform them effectively. The encounter of this group with two American tourists, and the ignorance of these tourists of the atrocities being committed by the government and rebel forces in this country is an image of the ignorance that is displayed by the international community when such crimes are committed. The two tourists are a sign of the inaction of the international community to stop the brutality which people in the rural areas live with in such conflicts. The international community tends to be remarkably ignorant of what goes on in countries, which experience civil wars. They only display an interest when it is found that their interests in such countries are threatened. The latter is exactly what happens with the two American tourists.

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