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I will pay for the following article History of online Vidoe Games. The work is to be 11 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article History of online Vidoe Games. The work is to be 11 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. 1960s, extra computer games were developed for the public (frequently running on mainframe-computers), slowly rising in complexity and sophistication (Bellis, 2009) and (FreeBase, 2009). After this early games development period, video games deviated into diverse platforms and verities like: mainframe, arcade, personal computer, console and later handheld games. Online games&nbsp.have been around for a while.&nbsp. They started out years ago before the Internet on terminals, then over modems and now on the Web.&nbsp. The explosion of online gaming is due to the growing amount of people who have access to the Internet.&nbsp. Online games vary from basic text to 3d worlds that allow the ability to play other actual users who are connected to the game.&nbsp. There are also many forums and social networking sites related to online gaming. In 1952, A.S. Douglas wrote his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-Computer interaction. Douglas created the first graphical computer game - a version of Tic-Tac-Toe. The game was programmed on an EDSAC vacuum-tube computer, which had a cathode ray tube display (Bellis, 2009) and (Celia Pearce, 2007).

At its most basic level, an online game is the term used to represent games that are played over some form of computer network (in most cases, this means the Internet). One of the reasons for the expansion and growth of online gaming sites is the expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and beyond. Online games can come in a number of formats, ranging from simple text-based games to extremely complex games that include graphics and even virtual worlds. In regards to online gaming sites that allow you to win money, most sites require you to download their software. This is one of the distinguishing factors between TreasureOnNet.com and other similar gaming sites (Gupta, 2009).

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