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I will pay for the following article National Identity in the Age of Global Networking. The work is to be 20 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article National Identity in the Age of Global Networking. The work is to be 20 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. These agencies and institutions operate through some organizational forms and practices and these practices contribute to what is perceived as changes in the global order. Another impelling force, which has an even greater impact on the livelihood of a nation and nation’s participation in the global order is the struggle of the state to flourish in compliance to the demands of globalization while at the same time keeping its national interest well intact. This struggle takes place within the national territory and institution, which are designed in terms of the requirements of the nation. Thus the national projects are oriented towards the international system but their locus is situated within the nation. As a result, these projects are multisided, cross-domain and cross-border. Examples of authorities working on such localized struggles with covert or overt global agendas are human rights organizations and environmental organizations etc. Although this transformation is called globalization, it is operating within the nation in a far more degree than is usually recognized. It is within the discussion of national interest that the full meaning of the global is embedded. The reason is that the nation is the key enactor of the policies reflected in the global scale. Today the globalizing dynamics entail implications that have more effects on the national—that is the governments, firms, citizens or the state legal system.&nbsp.With the rise of globalization, the connection between the state and the citizen faded significantly. The trend of the global market and the global policy was responsible for this. Saskia Sassen’s Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblage provides a profound study of how nationality has been impacted by the globalizing trend. In the manner of a typical social historian, Sassen (2006) tries to give a historical study of how a social transformation takes place. She uses three investigative domains, which are ‘capabilities’, ‘tipping points’ and ‘organizing logics’.&nbsp.

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