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I will pay for the following article System Security Threats and Vulnerabilities. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article System Security Threats and Vulnerabilities. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Standards and legal obligations that exist include Rules of Engagement, IEEE/ACM standards, the Belmont Report, and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Rules of Engagement include ethical considerations in the use of force while responding to a computer attack. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct by ACM includes a contribution to society and human well-being. avoiding harm to others. and accessing computing and communication resources only under authorization. The IEEE Code of Ethics commits members to high ethical and professional conduct. and includes mandates to understand technology, its application and consequences, and avoid injury to others, their property, or reputation, or false or malicious action. Ethical principles described in the Belmont Report include Respect for Persons. Beneficence. and Justice. Respect for Persons includes the treatment of individuals as autonomous agents with the right to decide about their own interests. Individuals with diminished autonomy were entitled to protection. Beneficence involved doing no harm. maximizing benefits and minimizing harms, and systematically assessing risk and benefit. Each person had an equal share in treatments and benefit based on need, contribution, and merit (Dittrich et al., 2009). It is evident that the Lamers group had violated principles of conduct, and were not respectful of computer ethics or ethics in general. The SecureThink Company was based on a violation of principles for computer ethics, and it continued after the formation of the Company. There are valid and legal methods of demonstrating vulnerabilities that exist in systems. The decision by MoneyBags Company to hire SecureThink could be considered meek and giving in to intimidation, and cannot be justified ethically.

Computer security is based on the following elements: Computer security supports the organization’s mission. Computer security is an integral element of management.

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