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I will pay for the following article The War on Terrorism. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.
I will pay for the following article The War on Terrorism. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Such could be the results of miscues especially of decisions, which are shadowed by the mists of pride and vested interests and the neglect of some ethical and moral guidelines.
War had been a way of life for early civilizations. It was primarily the direct result of segmented societies where communities are tied by tribal concerns of control. The need for survival requires dominance within an area. To have a wider space means assurance for more resources more security for a living. The evolution of societies from early nomads until the present is marred by a lot of small and big wars. We have two major world wars and other big wars yet to come, which doomsday seers predicted to cause an end to humanity. Therefore, whether we like it or not, war is an accepted norm.
But trends in war have changed from the way it was fought in prehistoric and olden times. The rise of deep concern to human lives created awareness among the government leaders and ordinary persons alike the importance of preservation of life. War has become a form of arrogance and aggression. Wars fought today in the same cause, as a thousand years ago is a condemnable act. Today, war becomes a means of defense to suppress the interest of those who want to dominate a certain territory without respect for human rights. When the US-led campaign in Kuwait, it was meant to liberate a nation. When the US challenge the North Koreans or other nations going into the nuclear program, it was intended to warn them of the possible effects in future ambitions of arms development. Since the idea about war has shifted from barbaric acts of territorial grabbing to more defensive acts the norm shifted to international recognition of human rights. Nations, great or small, share equal rights and peoples of different races, colors, and territories show respect with one another. Many nations joined international organizations to recognize everyone's rights.
The 21st century is the turning point of history and witness to the shift from the savage war of the past to humanistic concern of the present and the future. But the declaration of the war on terror after the 9/11 events caused a global war against enemies we don't know. The campaign has caused more casualties of innocent lives, arrests of innocent persons, and branding of several organizations who air grievances against their nations as terrorists. The war was indeed claimed to have been launched to secure the world against terrorists, but it has gone to a point that human rights were already compromised.
But terrorism is a big issue and requires some moral judgment to qualify or consider certain acts as a form of terrorism. There are accepted definitions of terrorisms but interpretations differ. As Record stated:
The definitional mire that surrounds terrorism stems in large measure from differing perspectives on the moral relationship between objectives sought and means employed. It is easy for the politically satisfied and militarily powerful to pronounce all terrorism evil regardless of circumstance, but, like it or not, those at the other end of the spectrum are bound to see things differently (8).
As a result, the War on Terror created confusion among young Americans, who were taught about the morals of war and peace. The moralist considers the "attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon not acts of war but as a species of natural disaster, requiring unstinting generosity.