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I will pay for the following essay Academy Honesty. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pages... Academic h

I will pay for the following essay Academy Honesty. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Academic honesty is crucial in promoting original ideas and interpretation on issues and topics that are socially, economically and politically relevant. Besides being ethically correct, academic honesty fosters a new breed of innovative thinkers who have the power to influence the critically sensitive paradigms of our time which is fraught with conflicting ideologies and unholy alliances of the vested interests.The purpose of academics is to generate knowledge which is multiplied through interpretation in various formats by scholars. The existing database of knowledge is explored, modified, corrected or even expanded with more fresh inputs by other scholars, thus promoting academic honesty, which relies on acknowledging the efforts of other people. Hence, academic honesty is an important tool to safeguard not only one's works but also to encourage originality and innovative writing in academia.One can use academic honesty by acknowledging the efforts of other scholars and people through proper citations. The ideas and writings of other scholars are duly recognized by having a detailed bibliography, in one's work.Academic honesty is critical to the advancement of knowledge and development of fresh ideas and perspectives on wide ranging issues.

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