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I will pay for the following essay Arab-Israel Conflict: American Investment in People. The essay is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.The Israel-Ar

I will pay for the following essay Arab-Israel Conflict: American Investment in People. The essay is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The Israel-Arab conflict has continued for over a century now and is considered one of the very serious conflicts around the world. Not only does the duration makes this conflict outstanding and important for many of the worldwide countries but the fact that the territory which the conflict occupies is the Holy Land for such religions as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Thus, it is apprehensible that until the conflict is solved to the benefit of either of its participants this topic will continue being the question of international importance. America plays a major role in this conflict and is viewed by the Arab states as the biggest supporter of Israel. The support Israel receives from the United States extends beyond merely financial aid and diplomatic support.

The West's interest in the Middle East's economic and political reform, if any, is bound to decline significantly in the 21st century, as the region's oil reserves are depleted—and with it, the region's economic and strategic importance for the West.

America believes that the push of peace through agreement and treaties between the leaders will actually bring peace. But in reality, what America does continues to “express” interest in peace without really seeing the main problem. The Arabs see America as a bias towards Israel and will not listen to its interest because Arabs believe that America is “brain washed”. America should be investing more in grassroots initiatives that will cause people to talk to each other.

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