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I will pay for the following essay Corking of life. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.It is what makes a person unique and governs how

I will pay for the following essay Corking of life. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

It is what makes a person unique and governs how a person grew in the womb and how they appear in old age. Until then, a few people had the chance to see their genome and understand it. The movie proceeds to analyze how the genome sequence can be extracted cheaply and affordable to anyone.

A number of persons with genetic disorders like Alexis who fell down most of the time got assisted with whole genome sequencing. There exists the possibility of integrating a person’s genetic sequence into Smartphone or tablet. The tablet gives a report when booted of a person’s genetic code on thousands of genes that spell out a person’s body instructions (Cracking the Code of Life 00: 47). The genes, when deciphered, reveal a persons risk for one disease after another, the ones a person can get and the inheritable ones. Getting the knowledge of person’s genome characteristics helps them understand the living processes, intervene, and take control of their life’s unprecedented events. In future, the video reveals a new kind of personalized medicine based on their genetic code, one that predicts risks of diseases, and enable prevention of these diseases with the information before they appear.

The movie reveals a story of Andrew, a stroke patient. Andrew is a five-year-old child who has no idea of his condition. The condition started with high fevers and joint pains. A stroke then followed in July, which was his first. He had another two instances of suffering a stroke in October and another in November. The November stroke required a brain surgery. After the surgery, Andrew still got a fifth stroke. Andrews’s parents have contacted a number of health specialists, but none of them has been able to diagnose Andrews’s condition based on the symptoms. The health specialists prescribed Andrew with immune-suppressing steroids and chemotherapy, which he visits irregularly, but none seems to work out. Andrews’s pediatrician, Dr. Vora Sheetal, at the

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