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I will pay for the following essay Depression and Obesity: A result of negative mental association. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.T

I will pay for the following essay Depression and Obesity: A result of negative mental association. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

This essay "Depression and Obesity: A result of negative mental association" describes the link between depressive symptoms and the problem of obesity among adults. There is no clear and significant association of obesity with the presence of depression in adolescents. In the article, “Depression in Adolescent Obesity: Cultural moderators of the association between obesity and depressive symptoms”, the authors have stated that there were many studies that have showed that there is no association between depression and obesity in adolescents. However, our outlook towards obesity makes us to think, “How can a person who is obese be happy?” So, even if we get to see adolescents who are obese and still living their life happily, we end up thinking that that must be only on the surface. This person must be depressed inside. This shows how negative we are towards obesity. The important point that authors have made is that if the sample size used to study the association of obesity and depression was small, then the results were ignorable. However, because the samples used in the longitudinal study were large, the results which say that there is no association of depression with obesity are dependable. The authors have mentioned the studies that tried to find an association between the obesity and depression considering the gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. They have shown how the studies have failed to explicitly test the assumption that the association between obesity and depression varies according to the gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

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