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I will pay for the following essay Disaster Response & Recovery. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.For the purposes of writing my respo

I will pay for the following essay Disaster Response & Recovery. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

For the purposes of writing my response to the above stated scenario, I would prefer not to distinguish between a natural or man-made calamity, but rather to direct my efforts towards recovery, evacuation of people out of harm’s way and their shift to another county or area where they can be reasonably protected from what is causing the danger to their lives and property (Eisenman et al, 2007). Since it is evident here that the communication lines are down, the alternative scenario requires that we communicate by radio on an emergency frequency. This can either be agreed in advance or decided on the spur of the moment. To alert citizens to this mode of communication, I would ask the local Sheriff or Mayor’s office to take part in the effort by dispatching a helicopter which could fly overhead and throw down leaflets that would (1) alert citizens to the frequency they could tune into, (2) tell them what to do to protect their lives and properties in the face of the present emergency and (3) advise them where to relocate so that they could get needed supplies and relief. Since it is possible that mobile phones and communication by computer are not affected, I would also use Twitter, Facebook and mobile alerts to tell citizens in the affected areas what to do following the event. They should be able to patch in a request for help in evacuation from danger, giving their location and the number of people who need wheelchairs and other means of assistance. Ambulances with the required supplies could then be dispatched to them. Proper arrangements would also be made with police, firefighters, hospitals and other local agencies to follow up the agreed disaster response plan in the aftermath of this event. People could be relocated to open stadiums or school, college and university playgrounds till the disastrous situation has been cleared or averted. Care should be taken to see that the locations

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