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I will pay for the following essay History of Canadian Labor. The essay is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Download file to see previous pages...

I will pay for the following essay History of Canadian Labor. The essay is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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The question raising the issues then is that of how are they able to perform all the responsibilities that shape their existence within the society and their role as glue-holders of their families

As earlier mentioned, there are numerous women who are known for social service that actually affects the development of the entire human communities today (Anderson, 2003, 15). Among the said women are Hillary Clinton and the late Mother Theresa. There are still others, however their names are too numerous to be listed herein. However, no matter how individually different they may be, they all have the same performing practices in terms of facing the responsibilities that they have upon the society's values and their own aspirations in making great changes in life. (Anderson, 2003, 14)

Women are traditionally known to have a responsibility of giving care to their homes, their families. It has always been an accepted idea with regards the role of women that they are supposed to prioritize their families since this is the main responsibility that identifies their being. However, as years advance, the role of women in the society also expands. Now, they do not simply stay inside the four walls of their homes. They are now able to take employment outside their homes and they are even able to take responsibilities in the political positions at present. It could not be denied too that even though women are given larger chances of making changes today, they are still able to do all the responsibilities that they are primarily appointed with by womanhood itself (Cantarow, 1980, 13). However, it is undeniable too that most of the women who are working for the society who immediately become social images are noted for their capability of primarily coming up with the possibilities of performing their social responsibilities. On the other hand though, it is also a downside of the situation when they are not able to perform the major responsibility that they have upon their families. It is undeniable that because of the many responsibilities that they are trying to handle, they are usually too much tied up to even attend to their children or their husbands at that. (Cantarow, 1980, 14)

Even though this is the situation, women are still given the finest chance to perform their duties to their families and their society in a balanced process (Cantarow, 1980, 16). It is undeniable that through this, they are to be noted for being able to give the values of their families and their societies in a balanced way, thus becoming the best of themselves, giving their time and sacrificing themselves for the good of the welfare of others.

Through the works of several writers such as Prowse and Barna, the changes that happen among women are the ones that turned the tide of human society. This particular change has moved everyone else to seek the natural process of dealing with social inequality through creating a balance with regards the ways by which people treat each other as portrayed through the writings of Prowse and Barna.

Most of the societies have cultural issues and problems that must be dealt with which usually involves the matter of culture and social perception.

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