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I will pay for the following essay How Family life was effected in the 1940's. The essay is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.The traditional family

I will pay for the following essay How Family life was effected in the 1940's. The essay is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The traditional family is not all that traditional and the its basic features that emerged out of some transformations in social life occurring in Western Europe and North America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By late nineteenth century, the transformations had developed a model family life that conformed roughly to the version that is familiar today. It was immediately after the WW2 that the specific forms of these modes were adopted by the masses particularly in North America. The economic prosperity that was witnessed in the United States after the war had ended and a huge housing boom as well as an increased view of the family not being extended enabled a lot of people to build families that conformed with the new and specific ideal of life (Lindemann, 1997:27).

The first half of the 1940s was spent in the World War 2, which was a period that was filled with a lot of heartache for all the people around the globe but life had to continue despite the tragic conflict that consumed many members of different families from different places in the world. It destroyed many homes and scattered families all over the world making family living in the beginning of the century when the war was progressing a very difficult affair.

During the Second World War, nearly half of the Canadians that were serving in Britain faced hardships as they tried to adjust to the British society as well as its expectations. The relationships were rocky but they eventually improved with time as both the British and the Canadians eventually understood each other better and as organized recreation and hospitality reduced the loneliness and the isolation that the troops suffered(Campbell 2013:9).

The Second World War had made thousands of American men to leave their wives and girlfriends and the end of the war meant that they could return to their homes and reunite with their families. The rate of

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