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I will pay for the following essay Implementation Managers Toolkit. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.The checklist will explain the re

I will pay for the following essay Implementation Managers Toolkit. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The checklist will explain the relevance of the communication process particularly on the part of the employees as the recipients (Prosci’s Communication Checklist 2006). Although this can be done in various ways, e.g., newsletter, memorandum, etc., a more effective way is by doing it face-to-face. Also,

it should be a two-way process wherein the employees are given the chance to share its feedback and opinion. Resistance is a normal reaction from employees and this is also the best time that the sponsors of change must be present. Awareness on the roles and responsibilities of the sponsors, senior leaders, managers and supervisors are being determined through the use of sponsorship checklist (Prosci’s Sponsorship Checklist 2006). The checklist had also examined the degree of commitment and involvement of the project team in making changes successful.

Before the new system or project is to be implemented, a data conversion plan is to be considered as one of the important steps for conversion process. The plan clearly defines the system or project as it outlines the process, approach, tools, assumptions, strategies and preparation as the prerequisite steps in the migration of data (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 2010). Data are usually translated from one format to another or from an existing system to another hardware or software environment to determine the condition of the original system. A conversion plan is needed in an information system that uses data just like a total relocation of office management files. A well-thought-out plan that will be used during the conversion is very necessary because this kind of move is not something that is regularly done. Still, the overall discretion of the plan is on the hands of the project manager and the integrated project team because the items addressed in the plan are not detailed.

Information system in the organization usually involves technology either

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